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PUBLIC MARKS with tags science & lang:en



MIT Center for Collective Intelligence

by fredbird
While people have talked about collective intelligence for decades, new communication technologies—especially the Internet—now allow huge numbers of people all over the planet to work together in new ways. The recent successes of systems like Google and Wikipedia suggest that the time is now ripe for many more such systems, and the goal of the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence is to understand how to take advantage of these possibilities. Our basic research question is: How can people and computers be connected so that—collectively—they act more intelligently than any individuals, groups, or computers have ever done before? With its combination of expertise in computer science, brain sciences, and management, MIT is uniquely suited to address this question. We hope this work will lead to new scientific understanding in a variety of disciplines and practical advances in many areas of business and society.

ESA Portal - Mars Express’s OMEGA uncovers possible sites for life

by fredbird
By mapping minerals on the surface of Mars using the European Space Agency’s Mars Express spacecraft, scientists have discovered the three ages of Martian geological history – as reported in today’s issue of Science - and found valuable clues as to where life might have developed.


Protein Spotlight

by alcane
Protein Spotlight : is a monthly review edited by Vivienne Baillie Gerritsen of the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB)

ESA Science & Technology: Darwin

by fredbird (via)
Darwin will use a flotilla of three space telescopes, each at least 3 metres in diameter, and a fourth spacecraft to server as communications hub. The telescopes will operate together to scan the nearby Universe, looking for signs of life on Earth-like planets. This is a daunting challenge and will require a number of technological innovations before the mission launches in the middle of the next decade.

Fantastic Metropolis » Fifty Fantasy & Science Fiction Works That Socialists Should Read

by fredbird
This is not a list of the “best” fantasy or SF. There are huge numbers of superb works not on the list. Those below are chosen not just because of their quality—which though mostly good, is variable—but because the politics they embed (deliberately or not) are of particular interest to socialists. Of course, other works—by the same or other writers—could have been chosen: disagreement and alternative suggestions are welcomed. I change my own mind hour to hour on this anyway.

Planet Designer

by fredbird
Forms allow you to select a pair of starting points from a set of both real stars and planets and those from Science Fiction. It is possible to design your own worlds. The Sun-Earth-Moon combination can always be chosen for comparison.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag science

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