18 August 2006 18:30
SciPy - SciPy.org
by YukuanMarkSciPy is open-source software for mathematics, science, and engineering. It is also the name of a very popular conference on scientific programming with Python.
29 July 2006 07:30
SGT Graphics Package
by YukuanMarkThe Scientific Graphics Toolkit (SGT) facilitates easy development of platform independent, Java applications to produce highly interactive, flexible, publication quality, object oriented graphics of scientific data. Features include user settable or auto
08 January 2006 07:30
Scientific Computation Tools
by YukuanBlog作科學研究常需要作些計算,可以幫我們作這些運算的軟體很多,其中最讓我印象深刻的是 Mathematica 及 Matlab 。它們用起來方便,功能更是不在話下,但就是要花錢買,而且還不便宜。
(3 marks)