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PUBLIC MARKS with tags scientific & python

September 2006

Dynamic Plot on Python

by YukuanBlog
之前介紹 Python 在複雜網路模擬實驗的應用時,曾提到用 Matplotlib 來繪製該實驗的圖表。其模仿 Matlab 的繪圖功能,用起來方便,所繪製的圖也在水準之上。有圖有真相,這就秀秀用 Matplotlib 為該實驗繪製的兩張圖表:

Graph-based Modeling on Python

by YukuanBlog & 1 other
模擬複雜網路,也可以套用 Agent-based modeling 架構。不過諸如網路的群聚度(clustering coefficient, C)及網路特徵的路經長度(characteristic path length, L)等統計數據計算需耗費的時間,隨著網路的規模成長很快,所以不適合運作太頻繁。但我們卻得靠這些統計數據來判斷網路是否收斂、試驗是否該終止了,想試驗各個參數排列組合時,更是雪上加霜。

August 2006

SciPy -

by YukuanMark
SciPy is open-source software for mathematics, science, and engineering. It is also the name of a very popular conference on scientific programming with Python.

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last mark : 18/08/2006 18:40