January 2008
Blogdimension.com, the Web 2.0 search engine!
by blogdimensionBlogdimension.com is an alternative Search Engine specialized in the retrieval of exclusively Web 2.0 & blog content. One can search for content by blog search, microblog search, information search, image search, podcast & audio search, video search, people search and shopping 2.0 search...
Blogdimension.com is available in English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, Arabic and soon Russian.
Stay tuned!
September 2007
Web 2.0 People Search Engines
by arnaudfischerIf Web 1.0 was about linking information then Web 2.0 is really about linking people as pointed out by Mills Davis from Project10. The social network phenomenon is creating an unprecedented and growing amount of buzz and is already channeling significant amounts of traffic around. IceRocket Blog Trends reports about 400 posts a day referring to the phrase "social network". Nielsen BuzzMetrics Blogpulse shows an increase of 200% in 6 months from 0.015% blog share of voice in March 2007 to over 0.045% in September 2007.
June 2007
Pipl - People Search (BETA)
by cyberien & 5 others
Welcome to the Deep Web
There are various reasons why you might need to search for people, you may need to find a lost relative, an old flame, a classmate or a business contact - but if you are using a search engine such as Google or Yahoo to search for people, you have probably realized by now that it might work in some cases but in most cases it won't.
How come the best search engines fail so miserably when it comes to people search? The answer lies in a little known but very important part of the web called "the deep web".
Also known as "invisible web", the term "deep web" refers to a vast repository of underlying content, such as documents in online databases that general-purpose web crawlers cannot reach. The deep web content is estimated at 500 times that of the surface web, yet has remained mostly untapped due to the limitations of traditional search engines.
Since most personal profiles, public records and other people-related documents are stored in databases and not on static web pages, most of the higher-quality information about people is simply "invisible" to a regular search engine.
Deep Web Sites
Examples of sites with deep web content.
(Some of the logos are trademarks of the their respective owners)
Pipl's query-engine helps you find deep web pages that cannot be found on regular search engines.
Unlike a typical search-engine, Pipl is designed to retrieve information in real-time from the deep web, our robots are set to interact with searchable databases and extract facts, contact details and other relevant information from personal profiles, member directories, scientific publications, court records and numerous other deep-web sources.
Pipl is not just about finding more results; we are using advanced language-analysis and ranking algorithms to bring you the most relevant bits of information about a person in a single, easy-to-read results page.
Not convinced yet? try searching for people and you'll see the difference.
May 2007
by cyberienExplode is a social search tool that lets you find others online irrespective of which network they are on, as well as those running their own sites and blogs.
It is a easy way to make connections, group these connections and interact with them either using your Explode profile or your own space somewhere else.
The idea is to break down the silos of activity that is occurring due to the rise of social networking - we want to make is easy to find people; the Internet is People and Explode emphasises this.
January 2007
November 2006
Wink | The Social Search Engine | Bookmark - Tag - Rate
by cyberien & 25 others (via)Search social networks for interests, locations, screen names, names, anything!
Search social networks for people to find new friends and old friends
Today, they rolled out another new element: a people search engine for Bebo, MySpace and LinkedIn - it appears under the People tab on the homepage. Wink are doing a complete crawl of these sites, allowing you to find people based on their name, username, location, interests and more. You can also narrow by network, gender, age and whether they’re single or taken. Tracking down your latest crush will likely be one use for this type of search engine - the folks at Bigulo, a Bebo search engine based in Ireland,
(9 marks)