Jookster - Search, Find, Share
by slogoo & 9 othersJookster是一个2.0的新颖的搜索引擎, 它优先对有用户经过bookmark的页面进行关键词的分析, 然后将这些页面置于搜索结果的首要位置, 其他一般的搜索结果页面紧随其后. 该服务的核心是, 当你扼/p>
Lexxe Search Engine
by slogoo & 13 othersLexxe新的搜索引擎, 直接从页面提供简短的, 准确的答案. 声称比其他任何搜索引擎的结果的准确度和相关度提高50%.
by slogoo开始的时候,我们在网上找各种东西的时候,我们需要打开非常多的网站,但是却还是很难找到我们需要的东西。我们觉得很郁闷,所以我们在想是不是可以把所有的这些结果,以一种最简单不
BlogPulse FAQs
by cnkenleeBlogPulse.com is a blog search engine that also analyzes and reports on daily activity in the blogosphere.
KBCafe link search
by cnkenleeUsing KBCafe link search is easy, simply put a Webpage URL in the input control, like your blog homepage and click on the Search button to find the most recent people linking to that Webpage. KBCafe link search is a meta RSS search engine, that is, it que
Pixsy - find unique photos the other search engines miss
by cnkenleePixsy searches blogs, mobile blogs ("moblogs"), social networks, and other sites that have unique content. The result: photos not found anywhere else on the web.
(19 marks)