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MicrosoftとYahoo!の提携はGoogleとの競争を促進する――司法省の見解 - ITmedia エンタープライズ

by kuroyagi
"この提携は米Googleとの競争を促進するというのが承認の理由だ。... Googleは米国の検索市場で65%のシェアを確保しており、欧州でのシェアは90%と伝えられている。司法省と欧州委員会が2月18日に提携を承認したのも、このようなGoogleの市場支配が背景にあるからだ"


Choice. Value. Innovation. - Home

by kuroyagi
"Microsoft, Yahoo! Change Search Landscape Global Deal Creates Better Choice for Consumers and Advertisers"

Microsoft-Yahoo!の提携、その課題とメリットは - ITmedia News

by kuroyagi

Yahoo committed seppuku today

by marco
"Oh, you like my house and you're willing to pay double what I paid for it? Did I mention I just redid the kitchen, bought the lot next door and put in a newHVAC system?" How much is it worth to you now? That's gangster CEO-level poker playing

It's Finally Official, Microsoft & Yahoo Make A Deal, Yahoo Gives Up On Search

by marco
Microsoft will acquire an exclusive 10 year license to Yahoo!’s core search technologies, and Microsoft will have the ability to integrate Yahoo! search technologies into its existing web search platforms

It's Official: Microsoft and Yahoo Announce Search Deal

by marco
Énorme : "In a taped video statement Microsoft's CEO Steve Ballmer argues that the agreement will bring choice back to consumers"

Satya Nadella Keynote At Bing Search Summit

by kuroyagi
Nadella said “only 1 in 4 queries deliver successful results.”

Yahoo! Steals Search Share from Google in January 2009 - Search Marketing News Blog - Search Engine Watch (SEW)

by kuroyagi
"Yahoo! gained 0.5 percentage points in comScore search engine rankings for January 2009. Google just happened to lose the same amount of percentage points during the same month. But they're not the only two swapping points. Microsoft stole 0.2% from"


Microsoft’s Live Search Cashback Goes Dark On Black Friday

by kuroyagi
"Microsoft’s Live Search Cashback program was reportedly down much of the day on Black Friday. This caused major concerns for customers who were excited to get large discounts on the day."

メディア・パブ: 検索エンジンの利用が減り始めている

by kuroyagi
"検索エンジン別で見ると,Google Searchは前年同月比8.1%増と相変わらず快調で,検索回数のシェアでも61.2%と寡占化が進んでいる。一方で対抗馬となるはずであったYahoo が同12% 減, Microsoftが同 19%減と,ユーザー離れが止まらない。"

Insight for WebAnalytics: MSNキャッシュバックは訪問者を引きつけるのに成功している

by kuroyagi
"何か月か前からLive Search Cashback rebate programというのを行っている。これの効果は如何にという話。"

TechCrunch Japanese アーカイブ » Steve BallmerシリコンバレーでMicrosoftの未来を語る

by kuroyagi

「No.1以外は好きではない」--MSのバルマー氏、検索について語る:ニュース - CNET Japan

by kuroyagi

Live Search : Powerset joins Live Search

by kuroyagi
"Powerset will join our core Search Relevance team, remaining intact in San Francisco. Powerset brings with it natural language technology that nicely complements other natural language processing technologies we have in Microsoft Research."

マイクロソフト、検索エンジンPowersetを買収へ--VentureBeat報道:マーケティング - CNET Japan

by kuroyagi


Microsoft Enterprise Search Blog : Announcing Microsoft Search Server 2008 Express

by nhoizey
Our aim for Search Server Express is to give you a free and powerful enterprise search product that’s incredibly easy for you to deploy.

30% Of Results For Some Competitive Searches Found To Be Spam

by kuroyagi, 1 comment
Researchers Track Down a Plague of Fake Web Pages from the NY Times reports on a recent paper from Microsoft Research released named "Spam Double-Funnel: Connecting Web Spammers with Advertisers" The report categorizes search results spam by industry category, showing that some search categories have a 30% or more rate of spam.

らいぶ寿司 ―懐かしネタと珍しネタの出会う店―

by oqdbpo
ココはちょいと変わったお寿司屋ですよ! ネタは旬なものがイイなんて、一体誰が決めたというんでしょう。 「らいぶ寿司」のカウンターに次々と 現れるのは、そのへんの旬なネタとはワケがちがうのです。 昔人気で今懐かしい人やモノ、おもしろグッズに キャラクター、それにオッと目を引く珍しいモノ……などなど。 それぞれカテゴリーに分かれて、ずらりと並んだ板前さんが次々にネタを披露してくれます。


Ms. Dewey - lustige Keywords für die Suchmaschine 2.0

by gutschein
Suchbegriffe und Wortkombinationen auf die Ms. Dewey ( unterhaltsam reagiert.

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