31 January 2006
GooRSS - Google + RSS
by macroron & 10 othersenables you to create RSS feeds for any Google Web search. Simply enter your search term and GooRSS gives you not only the latest results, but an RSS feed for your search. Yahoo and MSN web search already have an RSS feature built in, but GooRSS fills a v
21 January 2006
Linux Library Archive
by macroronLinux Library->Configuration and Administration. Linux Library->Linux Programming. Linux Library->Learning Linux. Linux Library->Distributions. Linux Library->Linux Desktop->VI and Vim. +++
19 January 2006
17 January 2006
Job Trends Graphic Chart Service: Google, MSN
by macroronIndeed.com searches millions of jobs from thousands of job sites. This job trends graph shows the percentage of jobs we find that contain your search terms.Search current jobs containing: Google, MSN .
12 January 2006
04 January 2006
PODZINGER - Podcast Search Engine
by macroron & 32 otherstakes search a step further by searching the spoken words inside the podcast in order to find more specific and relevant results. The text-based search results include snippets from the audio to help you figure out if the result is relevant. You can even
22 December 2005
Wink User Page
by macrorona "people powered search engine", search the Web - as discovered by people. a different kind of search engine - searches favorite links from del.icio.us, Digg, Slashdot, Yahoo MyWeb and others to find pages that people have found to be interesting and use
Wink Search Engine Home
by macroron & 25 othersa "people powered search engine", search the Web - as discovered by people. a different kind of search engine - searches favorite links from del.icio.us, Digg, Slashdot, Yahoo MyWeb and others to find pages that people have found to be interesting and use
Pluck Home - RSS Reader, Bookmark Manager, Blog Reader, News Reader
by macroron & 20 othersThe FeedFinder search engine and RSS directory helps you find new sources quickly and easily. Tag, comment and rate web pages on Shadows. Share links and participate in discussions on your favorite topics.
21 December 2005
17 December 2005
Employ Florida Marketplace - Home Page
by macroronEmploy Florida introduces new features for jobseekers and employers! Searching for jobs and employees has never been easier with the new QuickSearch and advanced search functions. Read on to learn more about how Employ Florida is changing to fit your nee
15 December 2005
(16 marks)