27 December 2005
20 December 2005
Algorithms and Data Structures - Perl Keyword Search
by macrorontechnology, measurement, and standards provided by the National Institute of Standards and Technology
Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures
by macroron & 11 otherstechnology, measurement, and standards provided by the National Institute of Standards and Technology
03 December 2005
25 November 2005
Xooglers Blog
by macroron & 5 othersA gathering spot for ex-Googlers to reminisce and comment on the latest developments in search.
23 November 2005
Boutell.Com, Inc: Linux Software Map
by macroron & 2 othersa database of many of the packages that have been written for, ported to, or, these days, simply compiled for linux and made available. The software map is maintained by Aaron Schrab, and his web page explains the correct way to submit new entries. this h
Noodly.com - it's totally Web 2.0!
by macroron & 2 othersa new service harnessing the power of user-generated content. It is due to launch in early 2006.
Feedster Top 500 - Search Blogs, News, Podcasts and More
by macroron & 5 othersFeedster: Tag Index - Top 500
21 November 2005
SWiK: Tag: Del.icio.us ~Alex Bosworth, designer of SWiK.
by macroronDel.icio.us Tool-Services info+
19 November 2005
18 November 2005
AttentionTrust Extension and Approved Services Firefox Download Page - AttentionTrust.org
by macroronan "attention recorder" in the form of a Firefox extension that allows users to capture aspects of their clickstream and browsing history. This "attention data" can be saved locally on a your hard drive and shared with any AttentionTrust Approved Services
AttentionTrust Firefox Extention FAQ - AttentionTrust.org
by macroronan "attention recorder" in the form of a Firefox extension that allows users to capture aspects of their clickstream and browsing history. This "attention data" can be saved locally on a your hard drive and shared with any AttentionTrust Approved Services
TRANSPARENT BUNDLES Article: Media Futures: From Theory to Practice
by macroron~Seth Goldstein - Somewhere between Wall Street and Madison Avenue lives the future of both.
AttentionTrust Wiki Main Page
by macrorona community of individuals and organizations that will guarantee users' rights to own, move, and exchange their attention data, in a transparent environment that gives users the freedom to decide how their data will be used - allows users to capture, stor
AttentionTrust.org - Blogs
by macrorona community of individuals and organizations that will guarantee users' rights to own, move, and exchange their attention data, in a transparent environment that gives users the freedom to decide how their data will be used - allows users to capture, stor
AttentionTrust.org Home - When you pay attention to something (and when you ignore something), data is created. This "attention data" is a valuable resource that reflects your interests, your activities and your values, and it serves as a proxy for your a
by macroron & 3 othersa community of individuals and organizations that will guarantee users' rights to own, move, and exchange their attention data, in a transparent environment that gives users the freedom to decide how their data will be used - allows users to capture, stor
Root.net Home
by macroron & 2 othersthe first financial exchange for consumer leads. Leads are personal data that express an individual’s intent to purchase. The quality of our leads at ROOT Markets is driven by our ability to qualify intentions through consumer focused applications. Root
Root.net - My Root Vault
by macroronthe first financial exchange for consumer leads. Leads are personal data that express an individual’s intent to purchase. The quality of our leads at ROOT Markets is driven by our ability to qualify intentions through consumer focused applications. Root
17 November 2005
Squidoo BetaBlog - a co-op run on behalf of its members, the lensmasters.
by macrorononline platform - build lenses on topics your passionate about - find a unique, human perspective on things that interest you - Lensmasters spread their ideas, get recognized for their expertise, send traffic to Web sites and blogs, and earn royalties.