public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag "serious game"



The Westport Independent

by gregg
The Westport Independent is a censorship simulator about the last weeks on an independent newspaper which is to be dismantled according to a new government bill. You play an editor in charge of choosing what will be printed in the paper, making sure that the content is nice and proper according to the government guidelines. With rebellions against the government rising slowly amongst the public, whose truth will you print?


Coming Out Simulator 2014 by ncase

by gregg
A half-true game about half-truths. You play as a semi-fictional version of me, on a night that changed my life forever. Choose your (my?) words wisely. Every character will remember everything you say -- or don't say -- as you figure out how to approach my (your?) hyper-conservative Asian parents. And if all that seems confusing or awkward... well, that's the gist of coming out as queer, isn't it?

La Parabole des polygones - un texte jouable sur la structure de la société

by gregg
Cette histoire raconte comment des choix inoffensifs peuvent conduire à un monde nocif.

Parable of the Polygons - a playable post on the shape of society

by gregg
This is a story of how harmless choices can make a harmful world.


by gregg
Incarnez l’envoyé spécial d’ARTE et racontez les camps de réfugiés.

The Migrant Trail

by gregg
“THE MIGRANT TRAIL presents a first-person journey through Arizona’s desert borderlands. Play as an undocumented immigrant attempting to cross the Arizona desert and/or a border patrol agent attempting to secure the border. Playing the game offers an alternative platform to further engage conversation, investigation and inquiry, into the themes and questions raised by the documentary.

1000 Days of Syria

by gregg
1000 Days of Syria is the result, a text-based newsgame which you can play from the perspective of a mother of two in Daraa, a rebel youth in Aleppo, or Swenson himself. And it’s a pretty novel approach to the news.


by gregg
ECISIONS ON DEADLINE is a fun and fast-paced journalism game where players are journalists running down stories in the fictional town of Southside, USA. Players work against the clock and under a strict budget to report on the daily dramas of this community, and figure out the Who, What, When, Where and Why for each edgy and entertaining story.

Jeu d'influences

by gregg & 1 other
“Jeu d’influences” propose une expérience inédite pour explorer de l’intérieur le monde de la communication de crise. Ici vous êtes à la place de celui ou celle qui va devoir faire appel à un Spin Doctor. Vous incarnez celui qui doit trancher sur les options de communication proposées.



by gregg
L’expérience de jeu hébergée sur amène l’utilisateur à diriger à pied un jeune malvoyant jusqu’à une pharmacie, en utilisant leur webcam pour capter les mouvements du corps, en étant guidé uniquement par les bruits de la ville. Une expérience éprouvante et difficile.


Born to be alive | Naissance virtuelle en 3D

by gregg
Born To Be Alive est un jeu sérieux, réaliste, interactif et pédagogique, destiné au grand public. Il vous permettra de tester vos connaissances sur différents points de la grossesse, de l'accouchement et de la prise en charge initiale du nouveau-né.

Avec le serious game Forward+50, décidez de l'avenir de Rio

by tyteu
Les joueurs doivent prendre des décisions ensemble pour transformer Rio en ville verte d'ici 50 ans.

Contre² | Un jeu "tower defense" sur la grève des étudiants québécois au printemps 2012.

by gregg (via)
Contrecarré est un jeu de type "Tower Defense" qui tente de faire comprendre les moyens dont disposent les pouvoirs en place pour contrer le mouvement de la grève étudiante qui déferle sur le Québec ce printemps 2012. À vous de décourager les manifestants qui ont pris la rue pour s'opposer à la hausse des frais de scolarité !

America 2049 - You Change America, Before it Changes You.

by gregg
Play new Facebook game, America 2049. Human rights are in peril, democracy in the dust. You: an agent of the Council on American Heritage. Your mission: nab a terrorist—and change the future. Play and learn whose side you're on. America 2049 est un jeu vidéo web-based à mi-chemin entre ARG et RPG. Il plonge le joueur dans une dystopie où, en tant que membre du Council of American Heritage, il doit se confronter à des problématiques liées à l’esclavage sexuel, la discrimination raciale, l'avortement, l'immigration, la religion, le travail ou encore aux LGBT (c'est vrai que certains sujets sont particulièrement sensibles aux USA, oui Palin et Justin on pense à vous).

The End

by gregg
The End is a free, online web-game commissioned by Channel 4 Education, and scheduled for release in August 2011. It is a game of self-discovery for 14-19 year olds which integrates strategy, puzzles and philosophical questions into a world which explores a range of commonly (or less commonly) held views about death, belief and science.


Sauvez des vies

by gregg
Incarnez un agent de la SFE dans une mission de la plus haute importance. Immergez vous dans un monde stressant où la moindre erreur peut être fatal et transportez à bon port une mallette secrète qui renferme bien des trésors. Une fiction mal jouée, très bof.

The End

by gregg
The End is a free, online web-game commissioned by Channel 4 Education, and scheduled for release in August 2011. It is a game of self-discovery for 14-19 year olds which integrates strategy, puzzles and philosophical questions into a world which explores a range of commonly (or less commonly) held views about death, belief and science. The game takes the player on a metaphysical journey, recording their interactions in the world to reveal their attitudes towards mortality. These views are presented alongside their friends and some of the most important thinkers of our time, such as Gandhi, Descartes and Einstein.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag "serious game"

chine +   Mandarin +   MMO +  

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