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PUBLIC MARKS with tags server & virtualization



libcloud python library - a unified interface cloud server providers

by Xavier Lacot & 1 other
Libcloud is a standard client library for many popular cloud providers, written in python. Exactly what I talked about a few weeks ago when asking for a common API to all cloud server providers. Now search for a way to convert / move an image from one provider to another !


OpenNebula :: start

by camel
OpenNEbula (former GridHypervisor) is a virtual infrastructure engine that enables the dynamic deployment and re-allocation of virtual machines on a pool of physical resources. ONE (OpenNEbula) extends the benefits of virtualization platforms from a single physical resource to a pool of resources, decoupling the server not only from the physical infrastructure but also from the physical location.


Welcome to, home of the Xen® hypervisor, the powerful open source industry standard for virtualization.

by jdrsantos
The Xen hypervisor offers a powerful, efficient and secure feature set for virtualization of x86, x86_64, IA64, PowerPC and other CPU architectures, and has been used to virtualize a wide range of guest operating systems, including Windows®, Linux®, Sol


Consolidation and virtualization: The same, but different

by holyver
Many IT administrators have discovered that there is overlap between consolidation and virtualization, and they are wondering how they should reconcile these two techniques in datacenter environments. Virtualization tools such as partitions, virtual machines, and resource management software all enable multiple dominant workloads to run simultaneously on larger servers, which is typically a key aspect of consolidation. But virtualization also offers far-reaching opportunities for administrators to fundamentally transform the operations in their datacenters.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag server

application +   gtd +   tags +   tiddlywiki +   web +   Web_applications +  

Active users

Jeremy B.
last mark : 12/12/2010 09:52

Xavier Lacot
last mark : 25/07/2009 10:12

last mark : 23/04/2008 07:08

last mark : 21/11/2007 09:17

last mark : 15/01/2007 15:58

last mark : 18/10/2006 20:46

last mark : 16/10/2006 21:27

last mark : 04/04/2006 16:10