September 2007 - Patterns in Interaction Design
by oqdbpo & 6 othersA Pattern Library for Interaction Design
This site contains a lot of best practices in Interaction Design. Over the years I have collected examples and insight on their applicability that I share with you here on this. So there is really no 'original' design to be found here, sorry. It has all been done before... See it as a reference or basic 'toolkit' you can use when design user experiences. It is no substitute for creative design, it simply seeks to describe what we know and have learned about solutions you will find abundantly on the web and even beyond. Every 'solution' described in these patterns may succeed in one context but may also fail in another. The challenge is to understand why and how it depends on elements of the context of use. I give you my opinion here, but may opinion is also subject to new this site will be updated!
June 2006
The Best Stuff in the World!
by slogoo & 17 others世界上最好的东东?分类浏览,Tag浏览,RSS浏览。首先有感觉的是她的创意:发现共享最好的东东,几乎囊括了所有分类!最有感觉的是她的搜索框,很像 !
May 2006
February 2006 - the weblog directory and recommendation tool
by ycc2106 & 4 is a fast, easy and intuitive source of blog recommendations based on the model. It allows you to start with your favourite weblog (or perhaps even your own) and find others like it. Recommendations are based not only on subject matter, but also on the style and input of the bloggers themselves - and their readers. Plus the recommendations are formed by the collective view of those who have read and enjoyed these same weblogs.
(5 marks)