16 December 2005 09:15
Internet-Draft: Sieve Notifications via the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) draft-saintandre-sieve-notify-xmpp-00 - P. Saint-Andre, Jabber Software Foundation - A. Melnikov, Isode
"This document describes a profile of the Sieve extension for instant notifications to be used with the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP)".
16 December 2005 09:00
Internet-Draft: Sieve -- An extension for providing instant notifications - draft-ietf-sieve-notify-01 - Alexey Melnikov, Editor - October 2005 - Expires: April 2006
"This is an extension to the Sieve language defined by [SIEVE] for providing instant notifications. It defines the new action 'notify'".
(2 marks)