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20 June 2007 16:00

Home - Upcoming

by mozkart & 2 others
calendrier d'événements par Yahoo


by mozkart
About Dopplr Dopplr is an online service for frequent travellers. It was created by an international team of world travellers as a tool for our own use. We liked it so much that we decided to open it up to our global friends. If you travel more than five times a year and have friends who do as well, then Dopplr is for you. How does Dopplr work? It lets you share your future travel plans with a group of trusted fellow travellers whom you have chosen. It also reminds you of friends and colleagues who live in the cities you're planning to visit. You can use the service with your personal computer and mobile phone. The Dopplr "beta" service is open by invitation only. Once invited by an existing member you will be able to invite others to join Dopplr and share your travels. Dopplr is a service created and operated by Dopplr Ltd, a company based in the beautiful northern city of Helsinki, Finland. Contact us at: travellers (at) dopplr (dot) com. Dopplr uses data from the Geonames project. We are enormously grateful that this data is available under a Creative Commons Attribution license.

19 June 2007 15:00

Microblogging: Tiny social objects. On the future of participatory media » SlideShare

by mozkart & 1 other (via)
Microblogging: Tiny social objects. On the future of participatory media From: jyri, 1 week ago Slides of talk given at Reboot 9.0 and at Mobile Monday Amsterdam more

19 June 2007 14:00 - Linking Out after Two Years of Linked In

by mozkart
After almost exactly two years I've finally closed my Linked In account. When it was first created, I thought it was interesting and thought it'd be beneficial to have my information there, both for me to contact people and for them to contact me. I gave it plenty of time to be useful, but it just hasn't done anything at all for my life. First, though I had 106 contacts, I didn't know most of the people. Neither in person or virtually. What happened was that at first I invited anyone to link into with me on my blog. That was the "game" right? He who has the most contacts wins. At first you were even listed by the number of contacts you had, remember? Then later once I realized how annoying and useless it was to have people connected to you that you don't actually know, I had a hard time saying "no" to invites. I should have made a hard and fast rule like Jeff Clavier has where if I haven't met you in person, then I don't link with you. That may have made this service more useful, but I doubt it. The only time I ever interacted with Linked In was to approve invites. Over the entire life of the service, I've gotten maybe three or four requests to pass on messages/contact information. Only one - which happened within the first few months - actually was a real business contact where I added an important middle layer of introductions. The last time was just today where I was asked by someone I don't know to pass on a message to another person that I also didn't know, and I decided enough was enough. I just emailed customer service to cancel my account. Yes, I thought about just deleting the people I didn't know, but each deletion of a contact requires an individual request to customer service (it's not just a check box and submit operation) so I finally just decided to cancel the whole thing. I think in general, people who would want to use this service are pretty contactable without using this system, no? At least to me they are. I mean, I had my email and web site in the bottom of my profile as did many others. And if you're a hard to reach person, you're most likely not using this sort of thing anyways. Anyone can contact anyone in five hops, so what real use is it? Maybe I'll add myself back in at some point in the future and only connect with people I actually know, but I doubt it. I should've seen much more value in the two years of using the service, no? I think so. Yes, the Social Networking craze, to me, is now officially over. There really is no there there.

NMKForum07: Jyri of Jaiku. Strange Attractor: Picking out patterns in the chaos

by mozkart
How does one build a useful service around social objects? Five key principles. 1. You should be able to define the social object your service is built around 2. Define your verbs that your users perform on the objects. For instance, eBay has buy and sell buttons. It's clear what the site is for. 3. How can people share the objects? 4. Turn invitations into gifts 5. Charge the publishers, not the spectators. He learned this from Joi Ito. There will be a day when people don't pay to download or consume music but the opportunity to publish their playlists online. What's next? What's the future? Principals of disruptive innovation: 1. Simpler 2. Cheaper 3. Frees people from the need to go to an inconvenient place

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