June 2006
Sysinternals Freeware - ZoomIt
by slogoo & 1 otherZoomlt,可以放大屏幕,可以在屏幕上划线标注,支持鼠标滚轮动态调整放大倍数,作演讲的时候超级好用...
May 2006
Zoho Writer - Online Word Processor
by slogoo & 32 othersZohoWriter, 在线字处理, 编辑, 共享文件, tagging, 发布至blog, 等
HelpSpot - Help Desk Software > Help Desk Portal
by slogoo & 3 othersHelpSpot 基于web的客户服务软件应用, 便于管理多个问题咨询, 提高服务支持人员的工作效率, 适用于大中小型企业的客服.
Civil Netizen Official Download Site - A free, personal file transfer program for your large files and folders
by slogoo & 13 othersCivil Netizen, 个人文件传输解决方案, 以替代现有的发送邮件附件和以FTP传输文件的方法!
Carbonmade: Show off your work. Your free online portfolio.
by slogoo & 35 othersCarbonmade个人设计作品集锦. 设计人员用来展示个人设计的图片, 动画, 网站页面等作品的平台.
onesens.com - send teasing messages to your friends in a second!
by slogoo & 4 othersnesens发送搞笑邮件给好友. 操作很简单, 你只要输入你要发送的文字内容, 填写收件人的邮箱, 点击"发送", 收件人便能收到一封带有flash的邮件.
The SeaMonkey Project
by slogoo & 7 othersSeaMonkey工具包的组件包括:网页浏览、RSS阅读器、Email客户端、IRC客户端、HTML编辑工具等等。SeaMonkey吸取了Mozilla新产品如Firefox 1.5、Thunderbird 1.5等的特性,让这个软件包能更符合目前网络应用软
I want a Freeware Utility to ... 450 common problems solved : eConsultant
by slogoo & 55 others大量的免费软件,可满足日常应用
SketchUp - Download
by slogoo & 1 other前段时间,Google收购了开发3D作图软件sketchup公司,现在令人振奋的好消息来了,Google把sketchup免费开放给所有用户,允许人们免费下载
February 2006
Neowin's Freeware Alternative List
by blogsir & 20 othersan obsessive list of freeware to get just about everything done