public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags software & gateway

February 2007

ClarkConnect - Server and Gateway - Linux Small Business Server SBS

by camel
ClarkConnect - Server and Gateway - Linux Small Business Server SBS

October 2005

Nuera Introduces SIP Media Gateway

by teleclick
Nuera Communications Inc. has unveiled the SGX-100 SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) media gateway, which will help large enterprises and small service providers establish cost-effective presence points, and connect to public telephone networks.

September 2005


by Riduidel & 1 other
FreePOPs is an easily extensible program, which allows to have an access to the most varied resources through the POP3 protocol. Mainly, it can be used to download mail from the most famous webmails, but it could also be used as an aggregator for RSS fee


by Riduidel & 6 others
FreePOPs is an easily extensible program, which allows to have an access to the most varied resources through the POP3 protocol.

Active users

last mark : 28/02/2007 16:15

last mark : 04/10/2005 08:09

last mark : 23/09/2005 10:25