public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags sound & flash


try to remain invisible

by HK
We’re currently working on a new subtlemob called ‘OUR BROKEN VOICE’ We plan to premiere it in spring 2010, with an international tour to follow. “a single event explodes into many fragments and strands . . you step into one of those strands and piece it together with strangers who are

One in 8 Million - New York Characters in Sound and Images - The New York Times

by HK
Nous vous parlions il y a deux semaines de l’initiatives de deux jeunes journalistes qui réalisent un webdocumentaire sur les “monsieur tout le monde parisiens” (interview à venir bientôt sur le site). C’est au tour du New-York Times de publier un joli webdocumentaire (commencée il y a tout de même deux ans) décrivant les “gens ordinaires qui racontent des histoires extraordinaires” : la mère adolescente, la paparazzi, le vétéran d’Irak, le juré qui dit 200 fois par jour “bonjour”… Le tout est composé de 54 petits diaporamas sonores en noir et blanc, très bien travaillés que vous pouvez regarder dans l’ordre que vous voulez (interactivité oblige…).



by ycc2106
Speechi is a tool that allows you to convert your PowerPoint presentations into Flash files (with no audio) and showcase them online. Moreover, thanks to the other three paid plans provided by Speechi, you can also record live lectures, add voice narration to your presentations and use the Speechi integrated whiteboard option within PowerPoint. Free sign up.


SoundManager 2: Javascript Sound for the Web

by Xavier Lacot & 13 others (via)
SoundManager 2 is an attempt at providing the sound API which Javascript has been missing. It's a Javascript library which wraps and extends Flash's sound capabilities, bringing cross-platform audio functionality to Javascript.


animated memory game -

by ycc2106
Try all the memory tests(sound, faces, animated...) INteresting to see how we remember things differently. For me faces was the easiest.

Ministry Of Sound { MOP }

by strofka


by gagou & 2 others
Flash components - video loops, sound, templates - Free downloads


Welcome to FFiles // FFiles Flash Resource : Sharing Flash, Photoshop, and Sound Creations

by oqdbpo & 2 others
Welcome to FFiles, an excellent community sharing flash, photoshop, and sound resources. The system has been totally refactored and should run a lot faster than the previous version. We added quite a bit of new features such as forums, active previews, enhanced usability, and much much more. There still might be some glitches here and there, so it would be great if you could send us a message if you find one. We hope you like it!

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag sound

danemark +   delicious +   design +   diaporama +   guerre +   leeloo +   photojournalism +   photos +   webdoc +  

Active users

last mark : 12/01/2010 16:06

last mark : 01/04/2009 13:10

last mark : 23/03/2009 21:54

last mark : 12/03/2009 13:19

last mark : 25/09/2008 22:39

Xavier Lacot
last mark : 09/07/2008 12:52

last mark : 27/04/2008 16:51

last mark : 17/04/2008 00:47

last mark : 19/08/2007 15:25

last mark : 10/04/2007 12:07

last mark : 16/02/2007 19:06

last mark : 12/11/2006 22:43

last mark : 20/10/2006 20:55

last mark : 08/05/2006 14:43