January 2008
AskMen.com - Top 10 hottest women in tech
by springnetWhile there are certainly a number of drop-dead gorgeous ladies within the world of tech media to choose from, we’ve narrowed the list down to 10.
February 2007
Comeeko - Creating comic strips from your photos
by springnet & 11 othershomebrew comic strips from your photos
Jos Coffee Blog » Carnaval Brasileiro Austin 2007
by springnetone of the biggest and best carnavals outside of Brazil. Samba dancing, big fun, Austin's best party of the year. This is part one of a two hour video. Only online for a limited time in the full version before it's condensed for youtube.
by springnetCarnival Austin 2007 is samba music and costumes, clean, weird fun. One of the biggest carnivals outside of Brazil.
January 2007
July 2006
(6 marks)