public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags standard & open

2007 - Share and remix data using open standards

by CharlesNepote & 5 others
"Standardized Data Portability is the next great frontier for the web. As users, our identity, photos, videos and other forms of personal data should exist outside of any proprietary tool or vendor. We need a DNS for Identity. A distributed File System for data. This page will list the standards and contributors who are making it happen."


What is OpenVPN?

by HannahJones
OpenVPN is a fully-featured SSL VPN system. Supporting site to site VPN; remote acess, WIFI security, and other goodies. Open VPN uses OSI layer 2 or 3 with standard SSL/TLS protocol.


Standardizing the Microsoft Office Open XML formats

by jackysee (via)
不要混淆了,MS 只是將其 Office XML 給 ISO 認証,並非說 Office format 要成為 Standard

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag standard

apml +   attention + +   format +   h2 +   hcard +   idact +   identité +   interopérabilité +   marketing +   microformat +   oAuth +   open +   openid +   opml +   ouvert +   portabilité +   présentation +   profil +   profiling +   protocole +   rdf +   réseau social +   rss +   vidéo +   xfn +   xml +   YADIS +  

Active users

last mark : 14/11/2007 14:29

last mark : 03/03/2007 22:19

last mark : 15/04/2006 23:30

last mark : 23/11/2005 04:04

last mark : 13/09/2005 05:53