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29 May 2009 07:30

HTML5 isn't a standard yet - W3C Q&A Weblog

by night.kame, 3 comments

I did notice however several mentions of the "HTML5 standard" that led me to write this post to remind the community of the current status of the specification, both in practice and on the standards track.. HTML5 isn't a W3C standard. We certainly look forward to the day when it is, but it isn't yet. In fact, the specification, co-authored by Ian Hickson from Google, is still very much a work in progress.

Rappelons que HTML5 est le format "sérialisé à la SGML" du document, pour le standard on devrait écrire HTML 5 (mais Google a plus de mal à le trouver dans ce cas). Et Hickson nous rappelle dans les commentaires comment il peut être pragmatique (cf. hier).

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