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16 May 2005 10:15

Star Wars Extras - Jedi Contradictions: Vol. 1 - Hub

by nhoizey
From the Journal of the Whills, Book THX, verse 1138: And Lo, he named George, formerly of Modesto, shall create a story set in a galaxy far, far away and long, long ago: and he shall squeeze all of mythology into a soup, and all of culture too; and he shall pour said soup into a samurai helmet held by a dark father of Dutch extraction, which resembleth an umbréd glans; and he shall, ere the womp rat spins thrice, bring forth a new religion unto the Campbellites: and it shall be known as A New Hope. And even as the Empire shall striketh backeth, the Jedi shall Return; and this blue harvest will, ere it be reaped, bring forth the Star Wars prequels. And therein shall he make many mistakes and blaspheme against his earlier self, and many shall say in the tops of their voices, that older George is not worthy to tie the shoelaces of younger George; but the truly wise shall see, that in despite of his errors, George shall be known as the maker of myths for his time, and his glories sung with the chief bards of all the ages. And then he shall make Howard the Duck 2. And he shall make Howard the Duck: The Special Edition, and Jeffrey Jones shall shoot first.

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