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PUBLIC MARKS with tags storytelling & video




The 20 Most Powerful Storytelling Videos of 2013 | Blog

by gregg
Animated videos are quickly becoming a leading medium of choice for impactful story telling. That’s hardly surprising, considering how difficult it is to grab – and hold! – the attention of an audience these days.


The web video problem

by gregg
Why it's time to rethink visual storytelling on the web from the bottom up




by gregg
Viewers can interact with two actors and hear their train of thoughts either simultaneously or separately, depending on how they move the dial. Together it truly does make for a jumbled audio track, but I really like this idea of enabling users to alter the storyline by providing synced but separate audio tracks.

The Witness | 13TH STREET

by gregg
Here's a film you experience in the real world. And on your iPhone. Kind of a cross between real world scavenger hunt and rpg video game. Could this be Hollywood's future?



by gregg
With broadband came a new breed of documentaries, educational stories and advertizements that are interactive, rich audio-visual experiences. But until now these projects had to be build from the ground up by people with design and programming skills. Not anymore. Storyplanet wants to introduce an easy way to mix media, design and online services into interactive stories that can be published to multiple platforms and devices.

The End of the Line :: Home Page

by HK & 1 other
The End of the Line (le bout de la ligne de pêche) est un film documentaire qui n’est sorti qu’aux USA et en Grande-Bretagne concernant la surexploitation des océans, notamment en ce qui concerne la pêche. Il a été réalisé en 2008 selon le livre éponyme de Charles Clover. On y parle donc de plusieurs sujets : le moratoire sur la pêche à la morue au large de Terre-Neuve, la surpêche du thon rouge et l’augmentation de la demande pour les sushis, les conséquences de la disparition du poisson pour l’alimentation des êtres humains, etc… - VideoZone - William and the Windmill

by gregg & 1 other
His name is William Kamkwamba, and his story is nothing short of remarkable. Using scraps from a local junkyard in Malawi, he created something that harnessed the wind – and changed his life. By Lucas Oleniuk and Randy Risling.




Story of Boris

by nevargmij & 1 other
Story of Boris. Collected memories of a war refugee.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag storytelling

applications +   apps +   delicious +   digitalstorytelling +   editor +   fiction +   interactive +   productivity +   software +   storyboard +   tool +   tools +   tutorials +   videos +   writing +  

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