svg-edit - Google Code
by parmentierf & 5 others (via)SVG-edit is a lightweight, web-based, JavaScript-driven SVG editor that works in any modern browser
by parmentierf (via)Le contenu du portail Orvinfait concernant SVG est divers. Il est composé d'informations sur SVG, d'exemples d'utilisation, d'un logiciel gratuit en ligne permettant de créer des dessins et des animations en SVG et de liens externes.
Something Witty Goes Here
by parmentierf (via)The FakeSmile script has come a long way since David released it a few months ago. It implements a decent amount of SMIL and SMIL Timesheets so that you can actually use these technologies now while the browser vendors catch up. David has also recently included a full version of jQuery inside the FakeSmile script, so it’s beefed up with lots of power now. I think he will probably be releasing minimized/compressed versions eventually.
Guide to Deploying SVG with HTML » Something Witty Goes Here » Blog Archive
by parmentierfThis entry is to serve as a guide so people can learn from my experiences. It was originally published in Dec 2005, but I will continue to update it as more items occur to me. It was last updated in Jan 2007.
Adobe Extends EOL for SVG Viewer (whew!)
by parmentierfIn an effort of good will, Adobe has modified their plans to End-of-Life their widely used SVG Viewer plugin. The new plan is for support to end January 1, 2008 and for downloads of the viewer to end by January 1, 2009. Looks like all the blog complaints helped. Here’s a link to the FAQ
Get SVG | Get SVG in your browser, on your desk and in your head.
by parmentierf & 1 other (via)Une communauté sur SVG. Des articles, des forums.
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