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Les pépites du web #1

by LuciferX
Lancement d’une toute nouvelle catégorie sur le blog, il s’agit d’une sélection de ressources de très bonnes qualités ayant attiré mon attention et qui méritent un coup d’œil.


An SVG Primer

by Yann_L & 2 others
This is neither an introductory text book, nor a reference manual. Instead, it is aimed so that any of these people : * an upper division undergraduate student with a few semesters under her belt of computing coursework; * a professional web programmer; * a graphic designer with a strong technical bent; or * a science teacher who wants to build graphical presentations might be able to pick it up and then do any or all of the following: * work through it over the course of a few days, developing a basic understanding; * be able, in a week or two, to make a decent graphical front-end to a web site that demands innovative and interactive graphics; * at any time during the next year or two of work with SVG, be able to pick up the book, look up a new topic, and with little effort, find an illustration of what they'd like to know about and with a minimum of reading, to be able to make sense of the examples provided.


SVG-Whiz! Home

by parmentierf
The intent of SVG-Whiz! is to promote the use of SVG, to provide examples of how to do tasks in SVG, to provide tools for authoring SVG, and to talk about experiments and proposals with SVG. SVG-Whiz! is also the name of one of my tools, a graphical WYSIWYG browser-based SVG editor, written in SVG and ECMAScript, and which can be found in the Tools section.

SVGround : cours SVG

by parmentierf & 1 other
SVGround est un site mettant à votre disposition des cours sur SVG (version 1.1) les plus complets possibles. L'objectif initial est de mettre en ligne des cours hexaustifs sur cette spécification.

Interactive SVG Diagrams

by parmentierf & 3 others
I've been dabbling in SVG now for the better part of a year, designing applets that until recently could really only be done in either Flash or Java. I've learned a few things I believe, and here is my attempt to teach anyone else that is interested.

SVG Basics Tutorials - Scalable Vector Graphics by Hand

by parmentierf & 2 others
The current focus of this site is to help people interested in hand-coding SVG graphics. If you didn't understand a lot of the previous paragraph, don't worry. The intent here is to get people familiar with SVG without worrying too much about the underlying XML standard. Once you understand some SVG you'll probably want to learn more about automating it with other tools. That might come up here later on, but for now it may be easiest to get that functionality from style sheets (in XSL) that can turn XML data into SVG.


extending SVG with XSLT Version: 0.3

by parmentierf & 1 other
extending SVG with elements in a different namespace is a common practice. Most of these extensions are handle by JavaScript.That was also the path i took so far. The Idea is now to extend SVG with XSLT, there are many advantages using XSLT: -extending SVG for viewers without script implementation ( e.g.: SVGT 1.1, Opera ). -you can load the result of the transformation into your favorite Drawing app , and edit the result by hand. -reduce the amound of client side scripting. this is an overview of he extensions available so far.

SVG Development, Works and Resources

by parmentierf & 3 others (via)
Un agrégateur de fils RSS sur SVG, à la manière d'un (hypothétique) Planet SVG

by rmaltete & 1 other
portail SVG, aide, news, tutoriaux, articles, forum...

Cours de XML

by parmentierf & 6 others (via)
Ce cours a été initialement conçu pour des étudiants en technologies du multimédia de l'Université Pierre et Marie Curie. Il présente les bases de XML (notion de document bien formé/valide, syntaxe), les formats permettant de décrire ces fichiers XML (Document Type Definition, Schémas), ainsi que le langage de transformation XSL(T). Il présente également un aperçu des formats graphiques SVG et multimédia SMIL.


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