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PUBLIC MARKS with tags symfony & code


technique @PMSIpilot » Code coverage des tests unitaires d’un projet symfony et intégration dans Hudson CI

by Xavier Lacot
Un exemple d'automatisation de tests unitaires avec symfony et Hudson. Le point intéressant est le calcul de la couverture des tests - idéalement, on doit tendre vers 100.


SfDT - Symfony Development Tools, Eclipse plugin for symfony

by delavigne & 3 others
Coding in Symfony using Eclipse - actualy works with Eclipe 3.4 + PDT 2, even if only marked as working with Eclipse 3.3 and PDT 1.0.2.

Issue 145913 - Netbeans 7.0 to support Symfony

by Xavier Lacot
"The news is that the Symfony support will be part of NetBeans 7.0. We are going to start work on it very soon. I hope that it will be a part of continual build this year and community can comment the support and work with us to finish it in the best possible quality and usability."

SfDT - Symfony Development Tools, Eclipse plugin for symfony

by Xavier Lacot & 3 others
Coding in Symfony using Eclipse - actualy works with Eclipe 3.4 + PDT 2, even if only marked as working with Eclipse 3.3 and PDT 1.0.2.


Cross apps url helper for symfony 1.0

by kasi77
Here's a helper that allow to generate cross apps urls in symfony 1.0

Login form in Symfony 1.1, with the new form system

by kasi77
Login form in Symfony 1.1, with the new form system Symfony 1.1 comes with a complete new form system. It works completely according to the MVC draft: * Model: the validation * View: the form self through widgets * Controller: the form class that the model and view parts manages and uses Make sure you have a running Symfony 1.1 based project and application and modules. In this example I build the form inside the myModule module and myLogin action. My form makes use of i18n, which is in my case autoloaded in settings.yml. This tutorial uses Symfony 1.1 beta4 and RC1.

Is symfony 1.1 too verbose?

by kasi77 & 3 others
Among the remarks have about symfony 1.1, the most recurring one is the shift of philosophy between the 1.0 and 1.1 syntax. If symfony 1.0 syntax was made to write code fast, I believe it is not the case anymore with symfony 1.1, which is designed primarily for extensibility. The result is that a symfony 1.1 application looks a lot more like a Java program. I tend to agree that Object-Orientation is a good thing because it forces you to organize your code in a modular way. But when object-orientation makes you need to keep a symfony book aside at all times and multiply the number of LOC by two, I think it's a dead end.



symfony framework forum: General discussion => [resolved] howto use view helpers in actions or logic classes?

by jean-gael
symfony framework forum: General discussion => [resolved] howto use view helpers in actions or logic classes?

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Jeremy B.
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