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PUBLIC MARKS with tags system & google



Google Friend Connect Help

by ycc2106
Google Friend Connect is a service that helps site owners easily provide social features for their visitors. Users gain the ability to sign in to, make friends on, and interact with your site, making it more social and more dynamic. No programming expertise is required: just paste a snippet of code that we provide onto your site. Learn how to set up your site. As a user visiting friend connected sites, you can become members of sites and interact with other members who share your interests. You can also invite your friends from orkut, Google Talk, and other social networks to join the community. No need to create a new account for the site: simply use your Google, Yahoo!, AOL, or other OpenID account.

Official Google Blog: Introducing the Google Chrome OS

by sbrothier & 3 others
All web-based applications will automatically work and new applications can be written using your favorite web technologies. And of course, these apps will run not only on Google Chrome OS, but on any standards-based browser on Windows, Mac and Linux thereby giving developers the largest user base of any platform.

The Beast unveiled: inside a Google server - Ars Technica

by brianwaustin (via)
f you've ever been curious about what Google uses for server hardware, how the company designs its system modules, or how the parts get racked and stacked, we've got information inside that will tickle your whiskers. CNET managed a peek at the whole operation and brought back goodies—including pictures.


Share Jesus International Announces Plans for Pentecost Festival

by JomeiKujo
Share Jesus International has announced plans for Pentecost Festival a huge Christian event which will take place throughout major focal areas of London in 2008 In recent month festival plans were discussed amongst more than 100 Christian leaders representing different denominations new church streams and organisations culminating in four receptions which were held on HMS President on the River Thames at the end of January



PUBLIC TAGS related to tag system

cd-rom +   freeware +   image +   software +   windows +  

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