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April 2006

Oddly Enough

by mikepower
Tired of playing second fiddle to men in conservative Saudi Arabia, five women decided if you can't beat them, join them.

March 2006

Comment is free: Decline and fall

by mikepower
Bush's foreign policy has failed ignominiously in Iraq, but where does that leave the liberal imperialists?

Why the intelligent design lobby thanks God for Richard Dawkins

by mikepower
Anti-religious Darwinists are promulgating a false dichotomy between faith and science that gives succour to creationists

'Serious neglect' in police custody death

by mikepower
Four police officers present when a black paratrooper choked to death in custody were guilty of the 'most serious neglect of duty', police watchdog says.

The going rate for killing a 13 year-old school student is NIS 80,000.

by mikepower
A Givati Brigade officer will receive NIS 80,000 in compensation from the state after he was cleared of all charges in relating to the death of 13-year-old Palestinian girl, Iman Al Hamas, in the much-publicized "confirmed kill" affair.

Gender pay gap: what's it worth?

by mikepower
Girls may well opt for arts degrees over engineering, but that's not because nobody has told them that engineers earn more than academics - it's because the 'male' professions have fallen out of favour even among men.

Guardian: Death of a professor

by mikepower
There is now a systematic campaign to assassinate Iraqis who speak out against the occupation

February 2006

Iraq's death squads: On the brink of civil war

by mikepower
Most of the corpses in Baghdad's mortuary show signs of torture and execution. And the Interior Ministry is being blamed.

Her story: 'Beautiful madness' by Alexander Linklater

by mikepower
Psychiatric drugs restored Nia's sanity and destroyed her beauty, and she doesn't mind. A disturbing story of psychosis and its treatment

'The great divide' by Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad

by mikepower
Cinema, literature and other aspects of western culture are increasingly open to Asian influence. Not so western philosophy

Living with mum

by mikepower
A new generation of young British men are putting off leaving home well into their 20s, government statistics reveal today.

US troops taught Iraqi gestures

by mikepower
The US military has funded a computer game to teach its troops how to use and decipher Iraqi body language.

Jasem al-Aqrab: The Basra video should lay to rest a scurrilous lie

by mikepower
Since April 2003, the people of Basra have consistently been bemused by reports that they and their city enjoy a state of calm and stability under the command of the British forces, in contrast to the north of Iraq and the so-called Sunni triangle.

End of a shabby charade

by mikepower
The unexciting truth about yesterday's terrorism vote is that it is unlikely to make much difference one way or the other.

Making bad law worse

by mikepower
Creating a new offence of glorifying terrorism is hypocritical and a threat to legitimate debate

Cato Unbound: Theodore Dalrymple: Is “Old Europe” Doomed?

by mikepower
I wondered what happened to old Theo after he retired. I think he moved to France which, given his views on Europe, seems a strange choice. Why not Louisianna or Texas?

Bush defended (see below) Letter to the Editor: Judge Bush on his results

by mikepower
George W. Bush has an undergraduate degree from Yale University, a graduate degree from Harvard, was two-term governor of our second-largest state and a two-term President of the United States. Mr Bush qualified to pilot a modern jet fighter...

Times Online: The President is a dolt – so how can America be such a success story?

by mikepower
While America has been run by one of the most doltishly ineffectual governments in history, it has forged ever further ahead of Europe in terms of wealth, science, technology, artistic creativity and cultural dominance.

January 2006

Gore Is Right by Paul Craig Roberts

by mikepower
Former vice president Al Gore gave what I believe to be the most important political speech in my lifetime, and the New York Times, "the newspaper of record," did not report it. Not even excerpts.

Independent: Palestinian with Aids barred from Israeli hospital

by mikepower
A Palestinian Aids patient has been denied permission to leave Gaza for treatment in Israel despite warnings by senior Israeli clinicians that the case is urgent.

Newsvine - Court Bars Tirade on Malaysian Web Site

by mikepower
KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA — A court told a disgruntled car owner he cannot chronicle the alleged defects of his Malaysian-made Perodua and his tirade against the car maker on a personal Web site.

Guardian: Official US agency paints dire picture of 'out-of-control' Iraq

by mikepower
An official assessment drawn up by the US foreign aid agency depicts the security situation in Iraq as dire, amounting to a "social breakdown" in which criminals have "almost free rein".

US Supreme Court Ruling a Relief for Some Patients

by mikepower
Charlene Andrews, who has terminal breast cancer, has not yet asked a doctor for the fatal dose of barbiturates that would enable her to take her own life.

News Hounds: Humanitarian Award For Rupert Murdoch: Sheesh!

by mikepower
News Corporation chairman Rupert Murdoch received the Simon Wiesenthal Center's Humanitarian Laureate Award. The award recognises Mr Murdoch's support for Israel.

Foreign Affairs - A Natural History of Peace - Robert M. Sapolsky

by mikepower
Contrary to what was believed just a few decades ago, humans are not "killer apes" destined for violent conflict, but can make their own history.

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last mark : 06/04/2006 10:44