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PUBLIC MARKS with tags tags & software


Moody - Mac OS X / Windows app to mood tag your music in iTunes

by ycc2106 & 1 other
You first tag your iTunes songs in mood according to the Moody colors. Horizontally the mood goes from sad to happy and vertically from calm to intense music (or make up your own system). When your songs are tagged you can play songs not only by a specific album, artist or genre, but also by the mood you're in.



by sbrothier
Lostify is a metadata tagger for MP4 videos. It runs on Mac OS X, and the tags it produces aim to be compatible with iTunes, the iPod, iPhone, Front Row and Apple TV. This means that after you tag a video using Lostify, it will show up in iTunes, iPod etc. appropriately as a TV Show, Music Video, etc., with all the episode information, season information, etc. intact.

Welcome to Chaotic Software

by sbrothier & 2 others
A collection of powerful tools for media enthusiasts with a Macintosh using Mac OS X. Media Rage can read and write information stored in MP3, AAC/MP4, FLAC, AIFF, WAVE, BWF, and Ogg Vorbis audio files as well as EXIF (read only) tags in digital images. Media Rage can assist you in cataloging, organizing, sorting, and updating thousands of audio files with ease.


Code Sorcery Workshop » Pukka

by anneni & 6 others
Tagging verktøy for mac osx - tag direkte fra din favoritt browser - supert

Krawler[x] home

by ycc2106 & 1 other
Krawler[x] is a next-generation desktop application that lets you manage & monetize your content by building powerful communities around it.

Musicmobs :

by slogoo & 13 others
Musicmobs在这个网站里, 用户可以找到新的音乐, 并告诉大家你喜欢听的音乐!

Welcome To Grouper

by slogoo & 25 others
无缝导入,编辑和共享你的视频文件的平台. v2.0的Grouper, 只适用于Windows系统, 要求下载一个客户端, 可以无限量上传图片和视频文件, 任何内容可以被设置成公开, 私密或对特定人群开放. 内容发布

Yoono, People Powered

by slogoo & 24 others
Yoono是一个协作搜索, 共享和交换信息的工具. 它把网络上已经存在的如社会性书签功能, 搜索功能, RSS功能等整合在一个站点之中. 该站在社会性书签和搜索功能中没有使用代表web2.0主要特征的t

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag tags

a voir +   art +   design +   email +   grafedia +   graffiti +   media +   pics +   street +  

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