public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags technology & humor


Mobiles Will Rule The Future

by jst33z
If Kevin Kelly is to be believed (and I’m sure he is), the humanity will soon become one giant brain connected via mobile internet devices [via Wired] Never mind Web 3.0: The next stage in technological evolution is a single worldwide computer...

Not the biggest forum ever

by slotvent
The fastest growing general forum on the web! A forum about nothing! For when you just need somewhere to come, generally speaking of course!

Postcards from the Funny Farm

by rileycentral
With humor and intelligence, Damien Riley MA writes a daily column on inspiration and psychology.

Earth Day 2008: Five Easy Steps To Save The World

by jst33z
In celebration of Earth Day 2008 (W00t! We survived another year!) Here is the Portension guide for green living this year: Step 1) Do Whatever Al Gore Tells You Yes, that means sell you car and only ride the bus if it’s hydrogen powered–an...

Your Cyborg Destiny Awaits

by jst33z
The guys over at Popular Science have taken an exoskeleton for a test drive: While audiences flood theaters this month to see the comic-book-inspired Iron Man, a real-life mad genius toils in a secret mountain lab to make the mechanical superhuman mor...

Mobile Devices Will Help You Loose Weight, Free Music and Save the World

by jst33z
The new titans of mobile sports technology, Nike+, are once again teaming with their cohorts at apple — this time developing wifi and 3G tie-ins for the next-gen iPhone. Lace up your sneakers and tune to your power song — this is going to ...


Scribble Pad

by vzxyz
A glimpse into the twisted world of a person caught in a parallel universe where his passion for technology and music meets his duties as a doctor.



by ettf
Few words. Great links. The only bookmark you need!



by sunny & 1 other
Vos news en RSS qui s'impriment directement sur votre PQ !

SCIgen - An Automatic CS Paper Generator

by sunny & 3 others
Site qui vous génère un papier de sciences de l'informatique en un clic, et ça marche !

web design programming blog software reference music tools css javascript art news linux google ajax blogs java webdesign howto search cool internet politics fun mac maps humor rss development photography toread technology flash tech tutorial games funny

by hurlantenova
web design programming blog software reference music tools css javascript art news linux google ajax blogs java webdesign howto search cool internet politics fun mac maps humor rss development photography toread technology flash tech tutorial games funny


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last mark : 08/09/2008 09:07

last mark : 10/07/2008 02:32

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last mark : 16/05/2008 12:15

last mark : 09/05/2008 20:45

last mark : 05/01/2007 17:01

last mark : 03/07/2006 15:15

last mark : 20/05/2006 11:52

last mark : 08/06/2006 09:05

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last mark : 01/01/1970 01:00