public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags technology & lang:en

November 2006

August 2006

July 2006

March 2006

February 2006

Editors Weblog

by jcrampal & 1 other
The World Editors Forum is the organization within the World Association of Newspapers devoted to educating newspaper editors worldwide. The Editors Weblog (, launched in January 2004, is an initiative of the Forum designed to facilitate the diffusion of the information we research and act as a unique rendez-vous point for editors and senior news executives looking to be informed of and discuss the monumental changes that journalism is undergoing.

January 2006

December 2005

Formatting Objects Authoring

by alcane
It is a Java application that gives users a graphical interface to author XSL-FO stylesheets.

MIT Media Lab: Projects List Database

by Mogore
Projets de recherche du MIT, à explorer, c'est le futur. - The Online Technology Resource!

by Mogore & 5 others
News sur la technologie et articles de fond

November 2005

Active users

last mark : 02/11/2006 09:49

last mark : 07/02/2006 08:33

last mark : 28/12/2005 15:03