public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags television & visualarts

01 December 2006

Media Art Net | Sitemap

by jlesage
English site overview page of a large German site for media, art, and the Internet

Hayden White, Historiography and Historiophoty

by jlesage
"Historiophoty" is Robert Rosentstone's term for our representing history visually and filmically; in contrast, according to White, is "historiography," representing history verbally, in prose.

Zoom In Online: the internet video channel providing essential info on media & entertainment

by jlesage
business and technology for media artists; many interesting perspectives and tech histories

30 November 2006


by jlesage
film journal from Concordia University in Montreal

28 November 2006

La FAQ d' ABFH et d' ABFHM

by jlesage
a French site with links to excellent animation, lots in 3D

27 November 2006

Mojiti-video commentary software

by jlesage & 11 others
useful for teachers making clips to analyze in class; "personalize any video with your story. With visual spotlights, you can narrate your personal videos, add captions or subtitles, or comment on any scene."

26 November 2006

media teacher's home page, lots of resouces, links pages

by jlesage
"news and journalism, film, TV, media policy, media reform activism, philosophy and social theory, urban history, contemporary American politics--\perspective informed by media history, political economy and social and cultural theory."


by jlesage
ejournal, interdisciplinary approaches to visual culture

20 November 2006 - sharing knowledge for culture - visual

by jlesage
the visual page from a large European web portal for arts professionals; another page is for media

Notes on The Gaze

by jlesage
Daniel Chandler's overview of the use of an important concept in media theory

Welcome to Transparency

by jlesage & 1 other
"interprets and critiques movies and television, news and political rhetoric, theme parks and advertising, computer games and the Internet, and other creations of contemporary culture"

Aesthetics and Visual Culture

by jlesage
extensive links page, from a philosophy disciplinary perspective; updated Aug. 06

19 November 2006

Video History Project: Resources

by jlesage
information from/about practitioners and groups of videomakers; technical explanations of early video formats and equipment

Community and Activist Video - Welcome to the Videosphere!

by jlesage
especially about Chicago in the 1970s and 80s; the experimental and activist media communities have always been close here

Chicago's Video Underground

by jlesage
1973 article about portapak pioneers in Chicago video, also Dan Sandin, who invented an early image processor; it's about my generation and my people, so I love it, as I loved the Sandin Image Processor

18 November 2006

Early Visual Media

by jlesage & 1 other
pre-cinema, early photography, early film, early television; lots of visual examples and explanations

16 November 2006

Visual Studies video projects

by jlesage
student work from advanced classes, 2003-2004

Visual Studies Fine Arts Videos 2002-2003

by jlesage
advanced students' video projects online, from Univ of Toronto


by jlesage
links page from Cinetext: Film and Philosophy ejournal

15 November 2006

Senses of Cinema

by jlesage
one of the best online film journals; exhaustive and regularly updated links page

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag television

adsl +   illimtĂ© +   internet +   mobile +   news +   opĂ©rateur +   partage +   telephone +   telephonie +   tv +   web +  

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last mark : 01/12/2006 18:52