public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags theory & Internetuse_blogs

November 2006 :: Cyberculture, Identity and Gender Resources

by jlesage
bibliography, updated as of aug 06, that includes pages for: Online Articles and Journals: Books & Print Articles: Novels: Homepages: Mirrored Pages: Mailinglists: General Resources: Game Research: MUD & MOO Resources

October 2006

DIY Media Weblog

by jlesage
new blog as of Sept 06, good authors; participatory democracy in Internet communications

Morph: We Imagine Archives

by jlesage
Media Center blog about technology and narrative; thoughtful writing; group of writers take on a specific topic related to narrative and communication weekly


by jlesage
"A blog about digital rhetoric that asks the burning questions about electronic bureaucracy and institutional subversion on the Internet." Well-written, points to developments in the arts and on the web that otherwise might go unnoticed.

MIT Convergence Culture Consortium: Weblog

by jlesage
Theoretically sophisticated and business-informed blog on Interet and media issues.

A Rape in Cyberspace By Julian Dibbell

by jlesage
1993, complete text of essay delineating important event in Internet history

September 2006

Blogs and Community – launching a new paradigm for online community? at The Knowledge Tree

by jlesage
theoretical discussion of the different ways blogs join those with potentially common interests

July 2006

Read/WriteWeb: Archives

by jlesage & 32 others
useful in-depth articles, usually one a day; not all of equal interest

Read/WriteWeb: Search 2.0 vs Traditional Search

by jlesage & 1 other
upcoming ways to do searches more precisely for your needs

June 2006


by jlesage & 1 other
major Internet historian and theorist's well written blog

May 2006

Sifry, Technorati CEO

by jlesage & 4 others
source of many statistics on Internet use

The Long Tail

by jlesage & 3 others
influential theory of Internet use and influence: many sites with influence vs a few sites with lots of hits

Active users

last mark : 19/11/2006 17:15