public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags theory & rhetoric

November 2006

poems that GO

by jlesage
kinetic poetry ejournal, latest issue winter 04

Jahsonic, a vocabulary of culture

by jlesage
intriguing website taking up themes and critical theories/ists, with many links; check out "index" link on home page

October 2006

WRT: Writer Response Theory

by jlesage & 1 other
"exploration of digital character art — any art involving electrons and making use of letters, alphanumerics, or other characters in an interesting way"

Marie-Laure Ryan

by jlesage
homepage of scholar with many of her essays on narrative theory and electronic textuality available in full text form.


by jlesage
"A blog about digital rhetoric that asks the burning questions about electronic bureaucracy and institutional subversion on the Internet." Well-written, points to developments in the arts and on the web that otherwise might go unnoticed.

net critique » Interview with Alan Liu

by jlesage
Liu is author of "The Laws of Cool: Knowledge Work and the Culture of Information"

June 2006

bgblogging--barbara ganley

by jlesage
important and well written edublog. "An active implementer of new media and social software into literature and writing classrooms, my special interests include digital storytelling as a means of academic discourse and integrated web technologies as a veh

Cool Cat Teacher Blog

by jlesage
important and well written edublog

Weblogs: Learning in Public

by jlesage
essay Jill Walker, pioneer in newmedia in education

teach and learn

by jlesage
8th grade teacher who incorporates blogging; substantive discussions of the learning processes as enhanced by blog writing

CultureCat | Rhetoric and Feminism

by jlesage & 1 other
one of the most important edubloggers, engaging and well written blog

Michael Farris Blog

by jlesage
useful annotated bibliography of his research materials

citizen book reviewers

by jlesage
Lisa Erde explains why reviewers on Amazon have a democratic cultural influence

May 2006

Active users

last mark : 22/11/2006 17:20