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PUBLIC MARKS with tags thread & sports

21 April 2006 05:15 - NBA/PLAYOFFS2006 - Stein: Counting down the contenders, from 16 to 1

by hairuo
这篇文章在hoopchina上的译稿也写得非常不错!!! see thread below

[HC翻译团]逐鹿中原--细数季后赛16强 篮球场 - NBA

by hairuo
第四季首轮击败骑士靠的也是帮主越过Craig Ehlo,在空中停顿三秒思考人生后的跳投命中解决战斗。

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deals +   fatwallet +   forum +   highlight +   hot +   new +   topic +  

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last mark : 21/04/2006 05:25