public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags tips & Internetuse_blogs

November 2006

The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)

by jlesage & 20 others
such things as i-pod handouts for folks who get one as a christmas gift


by jlesage
edublogger gives screen grabs and audio explanations - demonstrating ways of using information and communication technologies for teaching and learning online; effective demos

August 2006

by jlesage
blog by media teacher "profiling some of the web2.0 developments--in a cultural, political and social sense"

July 2006

Read/WriteWeb: Archives

by jlesage & 32 others
useful in-depth articles, usually one a day; not all of equal interest

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag tips

handson +   now +   toread +  

Active users

last mark : 27/11/2006 15:21