December 2006
Most Popular Posts from Quick Online Tips
by jlesage & 1 otherkept updated, an important factor in Interent software hints; I use these often
November 2006
Those Dark Hiding Places: The Invisible Web Revealed
by jlesage & 4 othersa librarian teaches you about the dark web; originally written 2001, updated Oct. 2006
Quick Online Tips - Technology news, blogging tips, best computer software and web services
by jlesage & 6 othersjust what it says; its lists and tip sheets are regularly updated
Writing Demonstrations
by jlesageinteractive demonstrations of Conducting Electronic Searches; useful both for the information contained and as a demo of web design and writing instructional media in a library context; the larger site is a resource for writers.
Low Probability of Racoons - Hypertext and Flash animated poems
by jlesageuses the duration of video to make kinetic poetry that has a narrative in the words and beyond them; nice example for students of simple form with complex effects
EasyRGB - The first RGB and COLOR search engine on the Web!
by jlesage & 11 otherspractical suggestions about real life colors matching computer generated RGBs.
October 2006
ZoneZero from analog to digital photography
by jlesage & 2 othersa large, excellently curated photography site, including slide shows and discussions of key issues in photography and representation in general; highly recommended; under tutelage of Pedro Meyer; take "tour" first
Lesson Plans for Digital Storytelling
by jlesagethis is a lesson plan that could be adapted for different ages or kinds of classes, e.g., composition or video production or narrative arts
Digital Story Examples
by jlesagea page leading to many examples, things you could make with imovie; from more than decade of practice from 1990-2003
HowStuffWorks - Learn how Everything Works!
by jlesage & 4 othersCheck out how blogs work, how MySpace works, how DSL works, how digital cameras work; also how to buy....
Tech Head Stories
by jlesagebig list of links for many aspects of digital storytelling; regularly updated
September 2006
digital storytelling links
by jlesagefrom Digital Storytelling Festival site, current links sept 06, variety of categories
World Wikia - World Wikia
by jlesage & 1 othernew developments in wikis, an open source travel guide that users can edit. Will it rival the megasite, Lonely Planet?
July 2006
(19 marks)