November 2006
jlesage's reviews
by jlesagemy tagcloud from stumbleupon; just discovered I could import my delicious tags and comments there. Stumbleupon is my newest obsessively visited site.
Lists of Bests
by jlesage & 5 othersagain, I am fascinated by lists of bests, especially as related to literature; they comprise both an ideology of the canon and a sociology of popular tastes, a la Bourdieu; in an extended form, they comprise much of
Adding meaning and value to information
by jlesagewhat we do with information that might make it useful and desirable to others
Listology: "1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die"
by jlesagelists like this give me ideas of what to look for in the library; the whole idea of "listology" is whacky and fun
Open Source Radio Show
by jlesage"Every time we have an idea for an hour of radio we post it to the site." Via blog viewers help build shows which air after research.
creativebits | mac design community
by jlesage & 4 othersa professional blog and community site for graphic designers working on Mac OS X
Third Coast International Audio Festival // Chicago Public Radio
by jlesageone of the best sources for audio documentaries; here also are many how-to sessions
Владимир Гвоздев и gvozdariki
by jlesage & 1 othercheck out witty animations from a Russian animator, simple, elegant
Digital Storytelling: A Tutorial in 10 Easy Steps
by jlesagebasic tips by J.D. Lasica on preparing for doing an audio/slideshow in narrative form, perhaps a first person recollection, tightly crafted. Makes a good handout.
October 2006
ZoneZero from analog to digital photography
by jlesage & 2 othersa large, excellently curated photography site, including slide shows and discussions of key issues in photography and representation in general; highly recommended; under tutelage of Pedro Meyer; take "tour" first
Project 365: How to Take a Photo a Day and See Your Life in a Whole New Way
by jlesage & 1 otheralways looking for new ways to interest students in certain kinds of projects involving visual narrative, autobiography, documentary
SOS: Searching Out Stories - Story-Lovers
by jlesageexhaustive list of stories, news articles that suggest stories; my favorite: "ANIMALS, BIRDS, AMPHIBIANS, FISH and INSECTS – stories, folklore and facts"
Lesson Plans for Digital Storytelling
by jlesagethis is a lesson plan that could be adapted for different ages or kinds of classes, e.g., composition or video production or narrative arts
Digital Story Examples
by jlesagea page leading to many examples, things you could make with imovie; from more than decade of practice from 1990-2003
September 2006
(20 marks)