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PUBLIC MARKS with tags tool & interface


🛠 ❤️ STREAMING - TELECHARGER - Youtube-dlG – Une interface graphique pour Youtube-dl pour télécharger des vidéos Youtube (and autres sites de streaming genre Tolbek) facilement – Korben

by decembre (via)
Vous vous souvenez de Youtube-dl, ce petit outil en ligne de commande qui permet de télécharger des vidéos Youtube, Dailymotion, Vimeo…etc. en ligne de commande ? Et bien si la ligne de commande, ce n’est pas trop votre truc, sachez que MrS0m30ne a mis en ligne une interface graphique pour Youtube-dl baptisée Youtube-dlG. Marche tres bien avec l' addon The Stream Detector: Il permet de recuperer l'url de la video à coller dans Youtube-dlG Note: Certaines versions de VLC 64 bits semblent ne pas pouvoir lire le flux créé. L'utilisation de la version 32 bits de VLC peut aider. sinon, MediaPlayer s'en sort tres bien.... Comment utiliser et maitriser Youtube-dl pour télécharger des vidéos comme un champion ?


Navigation Timing

by Xavier Lacot
This brand new specification defines an interface for web applications to access timing information related to navigation and elements. When implemented, this will help track web pages frontend performance.


OpenZoom: Promoting and Supporting High-Resolution Images & Zoomable User Interfaces (ZUIs) on the Web

by Spone & 4 others
The OpenZoom Project promotes and supports the use of high-resolution images and Zoomable User Interfaces (ZUIs) on the web. OpenZoom provides frameworks, tools and documentation to enable you to create great user experiences.


Prezi - The zooming presentation editor

by HK & 19 others
Prezi is zooming sketches on a digital napkin. It's visualization and storytelling without slides. Your ideas live on stage and on the web. Have you ever wondered about presenting your thoughts as free as they come? Ever got tired of creating a slideshow? It's been said, that the best innovations come from people who are unhappy with the tools they use. We realized that our ideas won't fit into slides anymore. Putting together creative thinking and technology expertise, we have created Prezi, a living presentation tool.


Image Optimization, Part 3: Four Steps to File Size Reduction » Yahoo! User Interface Blog

by Xavier Lacot & 2 others
This post is about some common tools you can use to reduce the file size of your images. The idea is to be able to just take the images your designer has created and instead of using them “as is”, go ahead and tidy them up in short time and no effort, without even looking at them.




PUBLIC TAGS related to tag tool

hack +   mobile-phone +   movie +   mp3 +   music +  

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