Git - Fast Version Control System
by jdrsantos & 6 othersGit is an open source, distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.
StorYBook - Summary-based software for novelists and authors.
by jdrsantosStorYBook is a free, summary-based open source software for creative writers, novelists and authors that helps to keep the overview over the strands while writing a book, a novel or a story. StorYBook assists you in structuring your book.
jythonconsole - Google Code
by jdrsantosJython Console is a Jython Interactive Interpreter that adds Code Completion.
AccessPDF - Pdftk
by jdrsantos & 6 othersPdftk allows you to manipulate PDF easily and freely. It does not require Acrobat, and it runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and Solaris.
JkDefrag v3.15
by jdrsantos & 2 others Free (released under the GNU General Public License) disk defragment and optimize utility for Windows 2000/2003/XP/Vista/X64. Completely automatic and very easy to use, fast, low overhead, with several optimization strategies, and can handle floppies and
Welcome - Bazaar Version Control
by jdrsantos & 6 othersBazaar is a distributed version control system available under the GPL that aids open source development and reduces barriers to participation. Our priorities are to be safe, friendly, free and fast, and to support Windows, GNU/Linux, UNIX and the Mac OS.
SourceForge.net: DB Designer Fork
by jdrsantosDB Designer Fork is a fork of the fabFORCE DBDesigner 4. DBDesigner is a visual database design system that integrates entity relationship design and database creation. DB Designer Fork generates SQL scripts for Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL and FireBird.
HeidiSQL - MySQL made easy
by jdrsantos & 2 othersHeidiSQL is an easy-to-use interface and a "working-horse" for web-developers using the popular MySQL-Database. It allows you to manage and browse your databases and tables from an intuitive Windows® interface.