Opera Dragonfly
by Xavier Lacot & 6 othersWelcome to Opera Dragonfly alpha, the foundations of Opera's upcoming Developer Tools. Debug JavaScript, inspect CSS and the DOM, and view any errors – Opera Dragonfly makes developing using Opera easier than ever, both on your computer and mobile phone.
Introduction to Opera Dragonfly
by Xavier Lacot & 3 othersWe have unleashed the Dragonfly! Opera Dragonfly is Opera's all-new set of developer tools, designed to give developers a lightweight-but-powerful application that provides effective mechanisms for web standards debugging and problem solving without slowing down the browser, and fits in nicely with the development workflow.
Opera Browser Wiki :: Web Developer Toolbar & Menu for Opera 8
by fox_b & 3 othersThe web developer toolbar is a menu and toolbar setup for Opera which brings together functions related to web development, validation services and links to standards and other documentation. It is loosely based on the Web Developer toolbar for Mozilla, and integrates parts of Toby's W3-dev Menu , MooseCSS's menu, and countless BookMarklets taken from various places (Jesse , Aleto , SlayerOffice , Tarquin and others).
Opera Browser Wiki :: Opera Bookmarklets Page
by fox_bOpera Bookmarklets are pieces of JavaScript code which run from a "javascript:" links.
infocloud :: 全てのソーシャルブックマークをサイドバーへ :: TextOcean
by fox_b & 1 otherTextOceanの人作成のツール。複数のソーシャルブックマークの結果をブラウザのサイドバーにまとめて表示。この手のツールには珍しくOpera対応。
(8 marks)