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PUBLIC MARKS with tags tool & test


Dnsyo by samarudge

by Krome & 1 other
DNSYO is a little tool I built to help me keep track of DNS propagation. In short, it's nslookup, if nslookup queried over 1500 servers and collated their results.

Dnsyo by samarudge

by Spone & 1 other
DNSYO is a little tool I built to help me keep track of DNS propagation. In short, it's nslookup, if nslookup queried over 1500 servers and collated their results.


Remote Preview

by Spone & 1 other (via)
Remote preview is a tiny JavaScript based tool which I built for our test lab. It allows you to preview any URL on large number of mobile devices simultaneously. Just enter a URL, hit enter, and new URL gets automatically loaded on each device. Remote preview works on platforms like Android, Blackberry, iOS, Maemo, Meego, Symbian, Windows Phone and WebOS.

Remote Preview

by nicmae & 1 other (via)
eview is a tiny JavaScript based tool which I built for our test lab. It allows you to preview any URL on large number of mobile devices simultaneously. Just enter a URL, hit enter, and new URL gets automatically loaded on each device. Remote preview works on platforms like Android, Blackberry, iOS, Maemo, Meego, Symbian, Windows Phone and WebOS.



Essayer les logiciels sans les installer

by Krome & 2 others
Spoon est un concept intéressant qui vous donne le droit d'essayer un logiciel sans avoir besoin de l'installer. Il faudra tout de même installer leur plugin mais ensuite vous pourrez profiter pleinement de toutes leur applications virtualisées. Pratique pour choisir sa solution.


Alkaline - Litmus

by Xavier Lacot & 2 others
Alkaline tests your website designs across 17 different Windows browsers right from your Mac desktop in seconds.


Digital Face Beautification

by oqdbpo & 3 others
This sketch presents a novel method for digital face beautification: given a frontal photograph of a face (a portrait), our method automatically increases the predicted attractiveness rating of the face. The main challenge is to achieve this goal while introducing only minute, subtle modifications to the original image, such that the resulting “beautified” face maintains a strong, unmistakable similarity to the original, as demonstrated by the pair of faces shown in Figure 1. The effectiveness of the proposed method was experimentally validated by a group of test subjects who consistently rated the modified faces as more attractive than the original ones. Professional photographers have been retouching and deblemishing their subjects ever since the invention of photography. It may be safely assumed that any model that we encounter on a magazine cover today has been digitally manipulated by a skilled, talented retouching artist. Since the human face is arguably the most frequently photographed object on earth, a tool such as ours would be a useful and welcome addition to the ever-growing arsenal of image enhancement and retouching tools available in today’s digital image editing packages. The potential of such a tool for motion picture special effects and advertising is also quite obvious.


PUBLIC TAGS related to tag tool

administration +   graph +   graphing +   javascript +   js +   management +   monitor +   monitoring +   network +   serie +   snmp +   software +   sysadmin +   system +  

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Xavier Lacot
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