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PUBLIC MARKS with tag torture



Vide Grenier : Nord du nord, Granularité d'une technologie, Version numérique - Carnets de La Grange

by night.kame

François Bon dans un message simple à propos de son édition papier du Littré.

oh, mon vieux Littré 8 tomes édition Pauvert - mais je peux quoi en faire ? pas ouvert depuis au moins 1998 qu'ai version num…

Je ne sais pas comment il faut comprendre "simple" dans ce contexte. Simplet ? Pauvre ? Illisible ?


Nerd Torture: Dwight Faces Nerd Torture Of The Highest Form

by bouilloire
Yeeahh ! La scène hilarante de l'épisode de la semaine. J'ai cru que je ne m'en remettrai jamais

Beijing Olympic key chain souvenir cruel to fish?

by bouilloire
ah ces chinois ! toujours à la pointe pour respecter les droits des animaux... ah pardon j'oubliais que ça n'existait pas en Chine. Cela dit le gars découvre le monde, il suffit d'aller faire les courses au Lotus pour trouver des petits poissons dans des tubes à essai dans le rayon crayons et piles et il n'y a personne pour nourrir les invendus du jour...

Amnesty International launches advert protesting against waterboarding | Media |

by mbertier (via)
Amnesty International is launching a new ad featuring a hard-hitting torture scene showing simulated "waterboarding" in a campaign to outlaw the controversial interrogation practice.

Declassified memo authorized US to torture "enemy combatants" - Boing Boing

by mbertier (via)
If a government defendant were to harm an enemy combatant during an interrogation in a manner that might arguably violate a criminal prohibition, he would be doing so in order to prevent further attacks on the United States by the al Qaeda terrorist network," Yoo wrote. "In that case, we believe that he could argue that the executive branch's constitutional authority to protect the nation from attack justified his actions.

BBC | CIA admits waterboarding inmates

by ravi
The CIA has for the first time publicly admitted using the controversial method of "waterboarding" on terror suspects.


Inside the CIA's notorious "black sites" | Salon News

by mbertier
A Yemeni man never charged by the U.S. details 19 months of brutality and psychological torture -- the first in-depth, first-person account from inside the secret U.S. prisons.

Calvaire (aka The Ordeal)

by Elvezio
Great survivalist-horror from Belgium with gifted and talented movie-maker Fabrice Du Welz who shoots a desperate descent into the nightmare of the human minds

Faut-il combattre la tyrannie avec les instruments des tyrans ? [Voltaire]

by dpansu (via)
À l’issue d’une longue enquête sur les enlèvements et vols secrets de la CIA en Europe, Dick Marty a établi que loin d’être des cas isolés, ils sont devenus une pratique courante. En définitive, le président de la Commission des Affaires juridiques du Conseil de l’Europe est arrivé à la conclusion qu’il s’agit d’un système organisé au vu et au su, sinon avec la complicité active, des États européens.

Band of children from the sewer stalks and kills mother and her daughter.

by Elvezio
And that's only the beginning of what happens in ILS (THEM), a wonderfully crafted masterpiece of suspense and violent action. Lensed in Romania by some french filmakers, you can find it in any video store!IT>ENG by Google.

Nice holiday in Brazil turns into organ theft nightmare!

by Elvezio
Really negative review for boring movie "Turistas", a Hostel-like story that never deliver.



by Elvezio
A brief overview based on a poll regarding the best (and worst) horror movies of this year. Some titles may surprise you. Detailed results on end of page. Translation button included on top/right of page.

Fernando Botero

by Mal Burns
Some compelling images from an artist depicting treatment in Aby Grahib. Fine paintings with a highly destressing message.

No Rules, No Limits

by sabbah
Sexual assaults and fabrication of cases against journalists and activists in the Arab World!

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag torture

abu grahib +   art +   prison +  

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