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Survive a Nuclear Blast - Wired How-To

by jeanruaud
If your city is the target of a nuclear attack, you'll need to do more than duck and cover. Between the sheer destructive force of the blast and the horrors of fallout, the odds of survival can be depressingly slim. Here's a list of tips to beat the odds

Installer et configurer OpenVPN sur Debian 4.0 Etch

by lecyborg
OpenVPN est un logiciel permettant de créer des réseaux privés virtuels sans utiliser des technologies telles que PPtP (Microsoft) ou IPSec. Il est de plus disponibles sur de nombreux systèmes d'exploitation (Microsoft Windows, GNU / Linux, MacOS X, ...). C'est une solution simple pour gérer un réseau privé virtuel composé de machines hétéroclites dans un environnement n'autorisant pas IPSec.

Integrating amavisd-new Into Postfix For Spam- And Virus-Scanning

by lecyborg & 1 other
This article shows how to integrate amavisd-new into a Postfix mail server for spam- and virus-scanning. amavisd-new is a high-performance interface between MTAs such as Postfix and content checkers: virus scanners, and/or SpamAssassin. We will use ClamAV for virus scanning and SpamAssassin for spam scanning in this tutorial. I want to say first that this is not the only way of setting up such a system. There are many ways of achieving this goal but this is the way I take. I do not issue any guarantee that this will work for you!


SSH-Agent Tutorial

by lecyborg & 1 other
Security is best when it is handy. ssh-agent is pretty darn handy. Ssh-agent can authenticate you to a remote machine via keypairs, rather than the traditional hand-typed username/password combination, with no loss of security.

Howto crack (or hack) a wireless network with Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)

by lecyborg
WEP was intended to provide comparable confidentiality to a traditional wired network (in particular it does not protect users of the network from each other), hence the name. Several serious weaknesses were identified by cryptanalysts — any WEP key can be cracked with readily available software in two minutes or less — and WEP was superseded by Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) in 2003, and then by the full IEEE 802.11i standard (also known as WPA2) in 2004. Despite the weaknesses, WEP provides a level of security that can deter casual snooping

How to Install Openvpn

by lecyborg
The purpose of this document is to describe how to install OpenVPN server on an Ubuntu Linux system and have it utilize an Ethernet bridge to access your local network. Ethernet bridges essentially allow the operating system to treat multiple network interfaces as one combined port. When used with OpenVPN a bridge will allow you to easily connect external users to your internal network and have them receive all traffic as though they were locally connected. The alternative is to use OpenVPN with a route but that will not allow some forms of traffic through (such as multicast), multicast traffic is important to me as many games require multicast data.

The perfect start with Smoothwall Express 3.0

by lecyborg
Smoothwall Express is an internet firewall, which allows you to protect your network, as well as providing NAT functionality. It is ease to use and configurable via a web-based GUI. This open source firewall distribution requires absolutely no knowledge of Linux to install or use. This workshop shows the installation and basic configuration of the current release Smoothwall Express 3.0.

Firewall et sécurisation d'un réseau personnel sous Linux

by lecyborg & 1 other
Ce document a pour but d'expliquer les rudiments de la sécurité d'une machine Linux placée dans un réseau local (typiquement une maison on un appartement), reliée à Internet. Il est tout particulièrement destiné aux utilisateurs néophytes, ou n'ayant pas ou peu de connaissance sur la sécurité informatique en général, et sous Linux en particulier.


by lecyborg & 2 others
I’m a huge fan of IPCop. It’s a great firewall distro that makes administration a snap using a slick web interface. My goal was to use IPCop and an easy-to-use VPN client to allow access to my LAN while away from home. I ended up going with the ZERINA OpenVPN addon for IPCop and the OpenVPN GUI for Windows.

Howto Roadwarrior | ZERINA - OpenVPN for IPCops

by lecyborg
Howto for ZERINA 0.9.0b - ZERINA 0.9.4b This howto will guide you step by step on howto configure the OpenVPN addon, so that you can run an OpenVPN server on your IPCop firewall, so that roadwarrior clients (Win32 in this howto)can reach your lan. This is what we call "hassle free roadwarrior vpn" ;-)

Permis a points

by Mario980 (via)
methode pour recuperer des points sur son permis de conduite

SÉCURITÉ Ssh sans mot de passe

by lecyborg
Ou comment se connecter à une machine distante sans avoir à rentrer son mot de passe. Il existe une méthode de configuration plus rapide. Vous pouvez en une seule commande ajouter votre clé dans le fichier `authorized_keys` du serveur distant grâce à `ssh-copy-id`. Pour cela procédez comme suit :

Wireless Penetration

by lecyborg & 1 other
Un diagramme expliquant comment pénétrer un réseau wifi selon les différentes possibilités. Très clair.

by lecyborg
How to Crack WEP (Local Hacking) Tutorial : modélisation de politiques de sécurité

by clochix
L'objectif d' OrBAC est de permettre la modélisation d'une variété de politiques de sécurité basées sur le contexte de l'organisation. Pour arriver à ce but, et afin de réduire la complexité de gestion des droits d'accès, le modèle OrBAC repose sur quatre grands principes : * L’organisation est l’entité centrale du modèle * Il y a deux niveaux d’abstraction (cf. Les interactions d'OrBAC) : un niveau concret : sujet , action, objet un niveau abstrait : rôle, activité, vue * La possibilité d'exprimer des permissions, des interdictions, et des obligations * La possibilité d'exprimer les contextes

Configuring PuTTY

by lecyborg & 1 other
Un bon tutorial sur la configuration du client ssh Putty

Damn Vulnerable Linux

by lecyborg
Distribution dédiée à l'apprentissage de la sécurité

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