Can the internet make TV less boring? | The Verge
by sbrothier (via)On a warm night in New York last week, advertisers and content producers huddled together into a huge white tent beside the Metropolitan Opera House to watch Yahoo unveil its first TV-length original web series. Purple lights and plastic champagne flutes were everywhere, and everyone in attendance seemed to know that Yahoo's event on Monday, along with about a dozen others that would occur that week, was part of the start of something huge. Yahoo was there to cap off the first night of the annual NewFronts, a series of casually linked events where new media companies attempt to woo advertisers and producers with their platforms and shows — and critically, do so just weeks before traditional TV networks host similar events of their own.
What Television Will Look Like in 2025, According to Netflix | Business | WIRED
by sbrothierIn the future, Netflix will know exactly what you want to watch, even before you do. You won’t have to spend all that time browsing through endless lists of shows on your television.
24h Jérusalem : "Vine", vedi, vici pour Arte ? - SocialTV.fr - SocialTV.fr
by sbrothier & 1 otherSamedi 12 avril, Arte lancera 24h Jérusalem, programme ambitieux qui permet, entre autres, au spectateur de contribuer au programme en envoyant des Vines par le biais de #24hjerusalem. Nous avons précédemment vu certaines stratégies Social TV affiliées au réseau Vine, et cette nouvelle expérience promet d’être pour le moins intéressante car s’appliquant cette fois non à de la fiction mais bel et bien à un projet documentaire.
Le bloc notes de Arzhur: Futur by Stark : écriture transmédia
by sbrothier & 2 othersLe documentaire Futur by Stark, produit par Elephant doc, Ubik, Arte France, et diffusé ce mardi 4 juin 2013 sur Arte, proposait une écriture spécifique sur différents écrans simultanément et en différé. Un beau projet très probant.
Tune in with Twitter TV - Brian Solis
by sbrothier (via)Have you ever watched TV while using a laptop, smart phone, or tablet? Wait, why am I asking. Of course you have. That’s what we all do now right? So I guess the real question to ask is how often do you use Twitter vs. Facebook while watching TV? In many ways, Twitter is becoming a bona fide second screen experience while watching television. And in many ways, TV may also serve as the second screen to those engrossed in their Twitter streams. If you think about it, the idea that the TV becomes the second screen to digital experiences is rather provocative. Perhaps this is why Twitter is making some notable moves in the television analytics market recently.
Social TV : M6 vous propose de choisir la fin d'un épisode d'Hawaii 5-0
by srcmaxL'expérience second écran n'est pas une nouveauté pour le groupe M6. Ce qui l'est nettement plus c'est de modifier le programme en fonction des votes des téléspectateurs. Cela se passera samedi !
Des applications et des services pour marier télé et tablette
by sbrothierLa création du département "Nouvelles écritures" au sein du groupe public en août 2011 a clairement imprimé le rythme aux équipes de production. Des pages Facebook dédiées aux émissions, en passant par des applications tablettes et smartphones d'information en temps réel (FTV Info) ou de télévision de rattrapage (Francetv Pluzz), avec guide TV, direct et personnalisation, tous les secteurs sont abordés. France 5, quelques mois après le lancement de son application Zouzous destinée aux enfants, va bientôt proposer un nouveau service sur iPad rattaché à l'émission "C à vous", afin de mixer social TV et télé connectée, de façon immersive et synchronisée (par marquage sonore) en direct avec l'émission diffusée à l'antenne. Les espaces cuisine, séjour ou salle à manger du loft d'Allessandra Sublet permettront de retrouver les éléments diffusés et d'interagir avec les chroniqueurs et les invités.
« Devant ma TV » : on a testé l'expérience second écran de M6 - Page 1 - PC INpact
by sbrothierDepuis quelques mois, les chaînes de TV ont décidé de se lancer dans les expériences de second écran. Un concept que nous avions approché lors de l'arrivée des nouvelles chaînes de la TNT, mais qui se renforce avec des applications de plus en plus complètes. Désormais, vous pouvez regarder, commenter mais aussi interagir avec le programme. Une belle promesse qui pourrait cacher des choses intéressantes... ou pas. Nous avons décidé de faire le point en commençant par « Devant ma TV » de M6, exploité pendant l'émission « J'ai décidé d'être heureux ».
Red Bull X Shazam | Collaboration
by sbrothierPendant la diffusion du programme, ces derniers devaient utiliser leur appli au moment où le logo Shazam apparaissait à l’écran. Ainsi, ils pouvaient, en simultané, apprécier le ride de snowboard sur leur TV et suivre en camera embarquée la descente du rider sur leur mobile.
About SyncNow | Civolution SyncNow
by sbrothierCivolution’s SyncNow product offering provides a robust and cost efficient content identification platform which can power a wide range of TV companion services.
These applications can include advertisement placement and replacement, live voting, polling, social media opt-ins, content-related (clickable) overlays, etc. SyncNow can use fingerprinting and watermarking technologies for accurate and rapid synchronization of interactive content.
SyncNow reference fingerprint databases includ
Can Breaking Bad’s Story Sync get viewers to give up their DVRs? — Online Video News
by sbrothier & 1 other (via)All summer, AMC has been pushing its Story Sync real-time viewing experience for Breaking Bad like it’s 99% pure crystal — but does a second screen subtract from one’s enjoyment of television’s most meth-y drama? This reporter boldly investigates.
How Will We Interact With an Apple Television? | Mac.AppStorm
by sbrothier“I finally cracked it,” Steve Jobs famously said to biographer Walter Isaacson in reference to an Apple-made television set. The elegant set-top box known as the Apple TV has been labeled as a hobby since its conception, and many are guessing that a full-fledged television by Apple would finally elevate their endeavors in television from this hobby status.
Get ready for the future of TV, in which your living room becomes a movie set, a communication hub and a gaming zone
by sbrothierOne delicious anecdote from the recent biography Steve Jobs, by Walter Isaacson, involved the Apple founder’s decorating problem: It took the Jobs family eight years to buy a sofa.
“We spent a lot of time asking ourselves, What is the purpose of a sofa?” Jobs’ wife told the biographer. To Jobs, the choice about which sofa to buy and where to place it in the home could not be made without a full understanding of exactly what role the object should play in their lives.
Team Coco To Go @ TeamCoco.com
by sbrothierAre you Team Coco? Sure you are. So check out your mobile options for keeping up with the latest from Conan O’Brien & crew. It’s like having a teeny-tiny late-night talk show with you at all times — in a sexy techno-gizmo that vibrates!
Second screens: The social TV experience is all about apps - Apr. 9, 2012
by sbrothierNEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- While you're on the couch watching American Idol, chances are you're also updating your Facebook status on your smartphone or tablet, or hitting Google for the name of that ubiquitous character actor you can't quite identify. There's also Twitter. Posts on it set two all-time records during the Super Bowl, one at halftime and another just two hours later at the game's end.
5 technos qui révolutionnent la télé | Petit Web
by sbrothierA quelques jours du CES où la TV connectée sera reine, une présentation de 5 technologies ou opérations qui révolutionnent la télé et sa consommation, sur l'écran principal ou le "second screen" (iPad, mobile).
HBO GO Interactive Features Coming to the iPad - Tech of the Hub
by sbrothierHBO is revving up the hype machine for this weekend’s Game of Thrones premiere. Yesterday, HBO GO launched on the Xbox. Today, it appears that HBO GO’s interactive features are coming to their iPad app. Previously, from what I can tell, the interactive features were only accessible via the HBO GO website and not on the HBO GO app for connected devices such as the Roku, Xbox and Samsung Smart TVs. The Boxee already has access to the interactive features as it runs a web browser based version of the app. For Game of Thrones, HBO built a number of interactive features that would pop up during episodes. Given the complexity of the story, the interactive features provided additional information on family trees, characters, the houses and a map of the Seven Kingdoms. A web version of the interactive features can be found here. HBO has stated that the interactive features resulted in viewers watching episodes multiple times.
Do TV Apps Have a Future? | Blogs | Red Bee Media
by sbrothier2011 saw the birth of TV Apps - small web applications that sit in a menu ready to be revealed at the press of a ‘Smart’ button on your new TV’s remote control.
You could be forgiven for not knowing they exist; any smart TV before 2011 was a mixed experience, and connecting your home network broadband to your TV isn’t as natural as connecting your games console or laptop. According to Forrester, half of all connected TV owners never link them to the internet.
PARC to Make TV Watching More Social - BusinessWeek
by sbrothierHave you ever wished your buddies were right there, watching the game with you on days other than Super Bowl? The cheering, cursing and yacking that occur in front of the TV are precious, but most of us are too busy nowadays for too many such get-togethers. Soon, though, we might all be watching TV virtually, thanks to a technology called Social TV.
SOCIAL TV: Creating New Connected Media Experiences
by sbrothierIn this course we will examine television distribution asking the question "how is digital technology changing they way television fits into society." The course will take a systemic look at the various ways television is currently distributed with a particular emphasis on emerging technologies that place television in a social context. The classwork for the course will be team and project focused, culminating in each team developing a prototype of a new social TV application. We will explore the multiple facets of the social TV experience from video technology fundamentals and challenges, to user interfaces, content consumption and business cases.
Radio Interview with Matriarch of Social TV - MIT's Marie-Jose Montpetit
by sbrothierSocial TV is a huge buzzword in the TV world these days. Basically, it refers to the ways people are using social media in conjunction with their TV viewing. That might refer to something as simple as checking your Twitter feed on your phone while watching a political debate. It might also include joining a social network oriented around media discovery, like GetGlue, or Miso, where you can find out what your friends think of shows, or be notified when they are watching something. It had us wondering what impact Social TV will have on the way programmers design shows, and whether we’re returning to gathering in the living room watching I Love Lucy, only virtually. Marie-Jose Montpetit is a research scientist at the Research Lab of Electronics at MIT, where she researches putting video on multiple devices and combining it with social networking components.
TR10: Social TV - Technology Review
by sbrothierMarie-José Montpetit, an invited scientist at MIT's Research Lab for Electronics, has been working for several years on social TV--a way to seamlessly combine the social networks that are boosting TV ratings with the more passive experience of traditional TV viewing. Her goal is to make watching television something that viewers in different places can share and discuss--and to make it easier to find something to watch.
InaGlobal - Télévision - Article - La Social TV, ou la "voix" de retour de la télévision
by sbrothierRegarder la télévision a toujours été par nature une activité collective, génératrice de lien social, même si l’on est parfois seul devant son écran, comme l’explique le sociologue et spécialiste des médias Dominique Wolton : « Parce que nos sociétés sont celles du grand nombre et, par conséquent, abstraites, il leur faut un lien social. La télévision participe au modèle démocratique en ce sens qu'elle est un peu, dans le domaine culturel, le correspondant du suffrage universel dans le domaine politique. »
Social TV « Bigger Than Fiction
by sbrothierL'environnement convergent créé par la démocratisation de médias connectés (ordinateurs, smartphones, consoles de jeux, tablettes, RFID, NFC…) nécessite de repenser les stratégies globales des marques afin d'impliquer d'avantage son public et de le divertir. Nous vous accompagnons sur les segments émergents du divertissement. Bigger Than Fiction est un laboratoire de nouveaux contenus.