public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags twitter & mobile




Thousand of APIs Paint a Bright Future for the Web | Webmonkey |

by oseres
Once a novel idea that seemed limited to Flickr, the web-based API is now everywhere you turn — Twitter, Foursquare, Google Maps and thousands of other sites offer up their data in the form of an API. APIs mean that third-party developers can build their own tools and mashups, which in turn helps to fuel the popularity of the web service. It’s hard to imagine where sites like Flickr and Twitter would be today without APIs. In fact, these days some web services don’t even bother launching websites to go with their APIs — the API is the service. The SimpleGeo API, for example, doesn’t really have a corresponding website, it’s just an API that can be used anywhere, including inside mobile apps.



Zcapes - Home

by ycc2106
example:A Zcape is a page someone built for an event or an object. Lets say it's the Zcape for people watching America's Next Top Model in the Netherlands . On this Zcape you wil find that people are posting their messages about what they think about the program. Also there is a filter on what people are saying on Twitter about the program. And there is a voting box about which model will leave in the next show. Thats it.

Mobypicture - Share your adventures with your friends realtime

by ycc2106 & 1 other
Directly share your photos, text, audio and videos with all your friends on your favorite social sites: facebook, twitter, flickr, vimeo, and more!

Electronic notepad - PicoNote

by ycc2106 & 1 other
can write public/private notes - mobile access - from website or twitter.


Utterz - Get Started

by springnet
With Utterz, you can instantly share your news by creating a multi-media posting in voice, video, picture and text, right from your mobile phone, or online. It's fast and simple, free, and works with every phone, on every carrier.


by thw416
Chatterous is a service that lets you talk to your friends across the web, im, email and your phone.


Savez vous tout ce que vous pouvez faire avec Twitter? at rMen’s blog, le blog d’un french Cyberworker

by mozkart
Twitter envahi nos vies numériques, sur nos mac, pc, mobiles, chacun semble douter du modèle du service. peu importe, twitter peut être plus ou moins utile: Tweetahead - pour plannifier à l’avance vos twits. Pour savoir ce que l’on dit sur un sujet via Twitter, avec Twitterment Prendre et envoyer une photo sur twitter avec Phototwitter Twitteriser un fil RSS avec rss2twitter qui twitte à travers le monde avec Twitterearth creer une mosaique d’une de vos photos avec les icones de vos followers avec Twittermosaic S’informer: Recevoir les infos de la BBC Recevoir des offres d’emploi avec Moovement, Carriereonline Twitter pratique: un annuaire twitdir Comment twitter via un mobile?: twitter via mobile avec Twitter2go twitter via treo et palm os avec treotwitt twitter sur blackberry avecTwitterberry Sur Mac: envoyer vos twits avec Twitterrific via un simple raccourci clavier envoyez url, ce que vous écoutez via iTunes, etc avec Twitteromatic Sur PC: envoyer vos twits avec Tweet-r (Recommandé par Shamir) Pour firefox: Twittytunes twitt ce que vous écoutez, regardez via itunes, youtube (plus de 30 lecteurs multimédia) et bien sur rMen sur Twitter

by cyberien (via)
burstcast is the newest way to communicate with friends and meet new people. It’s the easiest way to show people what you're doing, when you're doing it. Using any camera phone you can quickly and easily send photos where everyone can view them. Don’t just tell your friends about it, burstcast it.


by springnet
post to twitter jaiku and your blog at the same time using jott

Twapper - Ease the SMS Crush

by springnet
twitter / Robert Scoble with friends. Mary Hodder ev, can we get OpenID on twitter? I need it. Tx (moments ago ) kosso waiting for food delivery -- ahh room service ;) (moments ago )


by springnet & 7 others
Twitter is a community of friends and strangers from around the world sending updates about moments in their lives. Friends near or far can use Twitter to remain somewhat close while far away. Curious people can make friends. Bloggers can use it as a m

Active users

François Hodierne
last mark : 04/04/2013 11:01

last mark : 10/06/2012 04:43

last mark : 12/05/2011 11:03

last mark : 08/03/2011 17:36

last mark : 07/11/2009 08:41

last mark : 15/10/2009 09:10

last mark : 30/05/2009 04:03

last mark : 15/06/2008 14:10

last mark : 21/05/2008 19:52

last mark : 18/03/2008 15:18

last mark : 08/03/2008 21:55

last mark : 25/06/2007 20:52

last mark : 13/06/2007 02:22

last mark : 05/06/2007 21:41