public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags twitter & projet

March 2010

Panic Blog » The Panic Status Board

by Spone & 1 other
The idea quickly grew beyond “Project Status”, and has become a hub of all sorts of internal Panic information. What you’re actually looking at is an internal-only webpage that updates frequently using AJAX which shows: * E-Mail Queue — number of messages / number of days. * Project Status — sorry for the heavy censorship — you know how it is! * Important Countdowns * Revenue — comparing yesterday to the day before, not so insightful (yet). * Live Tri-Met Bus Arrivals — when it’s time to go home! * The Panic Calendar * Employee Twitter Messages * Any @Panic Twitter Messages — i.e., be nice! They go on our screen!

June 2009

May 2009

Design Your Own Twitter Background!

by irols & 3 others
Now you can personalize your Twitter background like never before. The tool below will help you create free Twitter backgrounds that have the same look and feel as those done by professional graphic designers. It's easy to use, and best of all, it's Free! Give it a try!

April 2009

February 2009

January 2009

Un gestionnaire de projet très simple

by Giraultises & 2 others
Staction est un gestionnaire de projet simplifié à deux text-box. L'interface ressemble à twitter par sa simplicité d'utilisation et son ergonomie. Le principe est de laissé plus de place à la gestion "humaine", l'outil informatique n'est là que pour stocker et échanger l'information.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag twitter

raslecul +   rlc +   twitter like +   wordpress +  

Active users

last mark : 10/03/2010 21:19

last mark : 27/06/2009 12:39

last mark : 28/01/2009 09:12