public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags twitter & python


python-twitter - Project Hosting on Google Code

by Emaux & 1 other
This library provides a pure python interface for the Twitter API.

python-twitter - Project Hosting on Google Code

by parmentierf & 1 other (via)
This library provides a pure python interface for the Twitter API.


Launch Your Own Twitter Bot (PHP, Python, Ruby) - Addicted To 1’s and 0’s

by parmentierf
In this post I’ll provide you with all the tools, source code and know-how to be able to build and launch your own twitter bot, and i’ll even give you resources to do it in the programming language of your choice.

Python Twitter Tools (command-line client and IRC bot)

by parmentierf
Python Twitter Tools (PTT) includes a Twitter API, command-line tool, and IRC bot.


Tom Morris: 24/09/2007

by greut

Consider this a kind of Hello World of RDF querying.

Nice intro from big Tom using Twitter data. Post to Twitter from Ubuntu Deskbar

by springnet
Deskbar is a Gnome widget you can embed in a panel and can be used for opening applications, opening items from your browser history, doing web searches and all sorts

Davy Mitchell's Weblog

by greut
Make Twitter Talk With Python

Active users

last mark : 05/03/2010 22:24

last mark : 05/03/2010 15:53

François Hodierne
last mark : 15/01/2009 08:14

last mark : 26/11/2007 00:44

last mark : 24/09/2007 21:13

last mark : 27/06/2007 11:50

last mark : 05/06/2007 19:47