04 December 2006
U.S. Copyright Office issues new rights - Yahoo! News
by jlesageFilm professors can copy snippets from DVDs for educational compilations.
01 December 2006
artists and art...the-artists.org
by jlesage & 1 otherextended visual, biographical, and textual database of 20th Century and contemporary visual artists
Art, Design, and Visual Thinking
by jlesage & 3 othersa basic design text for art students, complete text and exercises onlin
28 November 2006
A Research Guide for Students - Site Map
by jlesagea very large portal for students and teachers, including how to search, formatting of research papers, and many content links
A Virtual Library of Useful URLs - Subject Headings Arranged by Dewey
by jlesagesome of the best education Web sites in a Virtual Library arranged by the Dewey Decimal Classification System
27 November 2006
Those Dark Hiding Places: The Invisible Web Revealed
by jlesage & 4 othersa librarian teaches you about the dark web; originally written 2001, updated Oct. 2006
essay on academic blogging in Reconstruction
by jlesage06, overview, rationale, and links to academic blogs
26 November 2006
Cyberstudies webring
by jlesagecollection of sites with interest in cyberculture, many from the social sciences
MIT communications forum archive
by jlesagethe various programs are on many topics of media and mass communications; available in audio, video, or print format; good overview of contemporary media issues by academics and practitioners
activelearning strategies
by jlesagea philosophy of education that relies on simulations, role plays, real world activities; practical tips and bibliography
24 November 2006
Writing Demonstrations
by jlesageinteractive demonstrations of Conducting Electronic Searches; useful both for the information contained and as a demo of web design and writing instructional media in a library context; the larger site is a resource for writers.
22 November 2006
21 November 2006
Geography courses with websites Valparaiso University
by jlesageGeography courses, both present and past, with exercises, links, bibliography. Also see Urban Studies and American Indian Studies. Understanding place as cultural should inform both fiction and non-fiction film.
Research on Place and Space
by jlesage & 1 otherhuge portal site, across disciplines; "...other terms are sometimes used in place of place, such as home, dwelling, milieu, territory, and of course, space. None of these, though, are necessarily equivalent to the notion of place."
20 November 2006
iberry.com -- The academic porthole
by jlesagepublicly available courseware (lecture notes, handouts, slides, tutorial material, exam questions, quizzes, videos, demonstrations etc) from the world's universities, colleges and other educational institutes; other educational resources
Conversations with Dina
by jlesagepost on how students did visual ethnography using Flickr and the tags people put there
Visual Culture and the Contemporary City
by jlesageextensive course lectures with special attention to Georg Simmel and Walter Benjamin's concepts, especially Benjamin on the flaneur.
Enculturation: Barry Mauer on Found Photographs
by jlesage"The Found Photograph and the Limits of Meaning"
Notes on The Gaze
by jlesageDaniel Chandler's overview of the use of an important concept in media theory
19 November 2006
(Notes on) Politics, Theory & Photography
by jlesageblog that reviews and critiques aspects of art and visual culture and photojournalism, often from an ethical standpoint
18 November 2006
Dave Harris and Colleagues
by jlesagelarge collection of work, lectures, course materials in media studies, leisure studies, sociology
RCCS: Course List of Cyberculture Studies
by jlesageSite is a center of such studies; course list regularly updaged
Observations on film art and “Film Art”
by jlesageblog by senior film scholars David Bordwell and Kristin Thompson