public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag "web de zéro"


by Xavier Lacot & 5 others
lgg is an open, flexible social application engine, designed to run at the heart of any socially-aware application. Building on Elgg is easy, and because the engine handles common web application and social functionality for you, you can concentrate on developing your idea.

Welcome to Fire Eagle! Fire Eagle

by Xavier Lacot & 2 others
Fire Eagle is the secure and stylish way to share your location with sites and services online while giving you unprecedented control over your data and privacy. We're here to make the whole web respond to your location and help you to discover more about the world around you.

Invite Share - everyone is invited !

by Xavier Lacot & 2 others
InviteShare is a place to send and receive invitations to websites that are currently in private beta.


Yahoo! MapMixer

by Xavier Lacot & 2 others (via)
It's easy to mix your own map. Upload an image of your map, use our layering tool to align it with Yahoo! Maps and we'll do the rest! Your map will have all the features of Yahoo! Maps (zooming, panning). You can also syndicate it on your own site or blog.


by Xavier Lacot & 1 other (via)
TimeBridge has introduced the first Personal Scheduling Manager designed to help busy people find a time to meet— fast.


CSS-Based Forms: Modern Solutions | Smashing Magazine

by Xavier Lacot & 40 others (via)
In the end, exactly those web-forms are responsible for the first contact with potential customers. Let’s take a look, which modern solutions a web-developer can use, designing his/her next css-based form.

Livre blanc : Etude comparative des principaux frameworks AJAX - Livres blancs - Publications - Veille - Clever Age

by Xavier Lacot & 2 others
Cette étude montre les possibilités d’intégration d’AJAX au sein d’applications Web en présentant et comparant 11 frameworks d’actualité : Prototype, jQuery, Dojo, Moo.Fx, Scriptaculous, Yahoo !UI, Mochikit, Rialto, Echo2, Microsoft Atlas et Google Web Toolkit.

Widgets 1.0

by Xavier Lacot & 5 others, 1 comment
The type of widgets that are addressed by this document are usually small client-side applications for displaying and updating remote data, packaged in a way to allow a single download and installation on a client machine. The widget may execute outside of the typical web browser interface. Examples include clocks, stock tickers, news casters, games and weather forecasters. Some existing industry solutions go by the names "widgets", "gadgets" or "modules".

Amberjack: Site Tour Creator - Simple. Free. Open Source.

by Xavier Lacot (via)
Amberjack is a lightweight Open Source library, enabling webmasters to create cool site tours.


by Xavier Lacot
SMSconnect vous permet de lancer tous les services les plus populaires sur mobile, du quiz au vote en passant par le service d'abonnement de nouvelles, mais également des applications résolument web 2.0 avec SMSpay qui vous permet de monétiser des sections entières de votre site web ou encore feed2SMS qui vous permet de diffuser votre flux RSS sur mobile tout en générant des revenus additionnels.

Prototype Carousel

by Xavier Lacot & 10 others
This class is a Prototype/ version of the excellent Bill Scott's Carousel component.

ClickTale :: Because every user has a story

by Xavier Lacot & 17 others
ClickTale shows you the full story: every mouse movement, every click and every scrolling action. By using ClickTale you will gain insights that will improve your website's usability, enhance navigation, and increase effectiveness. MAKE: Technology on Your Time

by Xavier Lacot & 15 others
Les bricoleurs aussi ont droit à leur Web 2.0... - The Photoblog Resource

by Xavier Lacot & 39 others (via) is a resource designed to help people find all kinds of photoblogs.

Active users

Xavier Lacot
last mark : 11/08/2008 13:02