public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags web & Web_applications

July 2005

ServerSideWiki - Powered by RubyonRails and TiddlyWiki

by pixelator & 15 others
A server side adaptation of GTD Tiddlywiki with an on-site login and some really cool features.

Online Generators

by pixelator
Big list of online generators for a ton of different things from artwork to names to signs

GTDTagglyWiki - all your tagged tasks are belong to you

by pixelator
GTD Tiddlywiki adaption which adds tag support for non-heirarchical categorization of data

ZiddlyWiki - a TiddlyWiki hack by TimMorgan

by pixelator
A tiddlywiki adaption which adds server-side saving of tiddlywikis

June 2005

Yahoo! Alerts - My Alerts

by pixelator & 1 other
Get alerts on happenings through email, messenger or SMS

April 2005

Open Source Projects in Rails

by pixelator & 2 others
Examples of web applications based on "Ruby on Rails", an open source platform for developing web applications.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag web

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Active users

last mark : 21/07/2005 04:34