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PUBLIC MARKS with tags web & backup



Synchroniser tous vos outils numériques

by Giraultises & 3 others (via)
SugarSync est un service qui vous permettra de synchroniser facilement vos différents PC, vos téléphones portable et vos PDA en même temps. Vous disposerez aussi d'une interface Web pour consulter vos documents directement depuis le site.


Is Amazon S3 the first Tier 0 Internet Service? | magpiebrain

by nhoizey
If Flickr and it’s ilk could be considered tier one applications, then surely Amazon S3 much be considered a tier zero service. Backup Monitor

by camel (via)
RSYNC Backup front-end with Web Interface, email reports with attached summary. Simple to use; back up servers with a single line, or your entire server farm from a single machine. Custom email tags sort responses in your MUA. Supports authentication.

Maarch archivage de documents (GED)

by delavigne & 1 other
Maarch est une infrastructure générique comprenant l'acquisition, la circulation, et la conservation de documents à caractère statique. Sur cette base, cette plateforme open source est adaptable pour des applications verticales ayant des besoins précis : * Bornes d'archivage personnelles * Dossier client ou assuré * Gestion de courrier

Maarch archivage de documents (GED)

by lecyborg & 1 other
Maarch est une infrastructure générique comprenant l'acquisition, la circulation, et la conservation de documents à caractère statique. Sur cette base, cette plateforme open source est adaptable pour des applications verticales ayant des besoins précis : * Bornes d'archivage personnelles * Dossier client ou assuré * Gestion de courrier


Software ready to Download

by webzf
Find the software you are looking and download it, the most comprehensive source for free-to-try software download on the web. Includes Audio programs, Rippers-Converters, Databases-Tools, Helpdesk-Remote PC, Strategy-War Games, Ad Blockers, Anti-Virus Tools, Registry Tools, and more.

GPLHost:>_ Web hosting open source (GPL) control panel

by camel & 3 others
Domain Technologie Control (DTC) is a GPL control panel for hosting. Using a web GUI for admin and accounting all hosting services, DTC can delegate the task of creating subdomains, email, and FTP accounts to users for the domain names they own. DTC manages a MySQL database containing all the hosting information. It has support for many programs (bind 8 and 9 and compatibles, MySQL, Apache 1.3, php4, qmail, postfix 2, courier, dovecot, proftpd, webalizer, mod-log-sql, etc.) through config files and/or MySQL plugins (when the service is non-critical). It can also generate backup scripts, calculation scripts, and config files using a single system UID/GID and monitor all traffic accounting per user and per service. Since version 0.12, DTC is fully skinable and translated into several languages (Chinese, English, Spanish, French, Dutch, German, Italian, Russian, Hungarian, Romanian and Polish).

Mirror Your Web Site With rsync

by Elessar & 6 others
This tutorial shows how you can mirror your web site from your main web server to a backup server that can take over if the main server fails. We use the tool rsync for this, and we make it run through a cron job that checks every x minutes if there is something to update on the mirror. Thus your backup server should usually be up to date if it has to take over.

Glide Effortless ~ Discover the Magic of Compatibility and Integration

by slogoo & 12 others
Glide Effortless是一个可以上传各类文件的服务平台. 相片, MP3, 视频, 文字, PPT和PDF文件均可上传. 上传的用户可以对这些内容拥有完全的控制权, 文件一经上传, 系统就马上将其转换成在线的预览

TotoExpress™ - Securely send and receive large files online

by slogoo & 6 others
Totoexpress, 通过互联网为客户发送和接收大容量文件的安全有效的方法.

Streamload - Free Online Storage - Share Videos and Photos - Online MP3 Storage and Access

by slogoo & 31 others
StreamLoad, 个性化, 安全的存放, 归类, 共享和重新获取视频, 图片, 音乐以及其他各类文件的网站.

TRUESHARE | ONLINE FILE STORAGE | FILE SHARING | INTERNET HARD DRIVE | OFFSITE BACKUPS | FILE STORAGE | SEND LARGE FILES | SECURE FILE TRANSFERS | Online storage, online backup, online file storage, virtual hard drive, unlimited storage, web backup, send

by slogoo & 1 other
TrueShare商务级的在线文件管理和备份服务. 允许无限量用户使用. 可以发送, 接收, 备份, 存储和获取各种文件类型. 可以为不同的客户创建不同的文件目录, 并可跟踪文件的使用情况. 每月30美元提


by kleverson & 11 others
Omnidrive is what you expect hosted storage to be - easy to use, accessible from anywhere and unrestrictive. Omnidrive will make your life easier by allowing you to store, access and stream your files from almost any web connected platform.


by kleverson & 29 others

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